Chapter Five: Why are we here?

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The boys sat alone in a very large bedroom, waiting to be called down for dinner

"Harry, who is that guy?" Dudley asked

"His name is Lucius Malfoy, he's a bad person. Don't trust him no matter what he says he is not trying to help us, and don't trust his son either, Draco Malfoy, he's been bullying me since the first day I went to hogwarts"

"I know, you came home for Christmas break and you yelled about how annoying he was the entire time you were home"

"I did not!"

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"Actually you did you talked about how much you hated me at school too" Draco walked into the room grinning

"hi Draco"

"Well hello Harry, and who is this?" Draco pointed to Dudley

"This is my brother, Dudley"

"Nice to meet you Dudley" Draco smiles, holding his hand out to Dudley

"Nice to meet you too" Dudley shook hands with Draco

"What do you want Draco?!"

"It's time for dinner, would you like to join us or do you want to sit in here and be a brat potter" draco growled

"I-I would like to join please.." Harry mumbled quietly

"Great, well come along everyone"

As the three boys walked down the long dark staircase Harry couldn't help but feel nauseous

As they arrived to the dining room Harry saw Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and many more, but at the head of the table was a middle aged man, his hair had long silver streaks,

"Harry, you are sitting next to me, and your brother will be sitting next to Tom"


Harry and Draco sat down together, Harry and Dudley sitting across from each other, as everyone else took their places Harry started to feel uneasy

"Well hello everyone, as you know today, Lucius Malfoy brought Harry Potter, And his muggle cousin Dudley Dursley"

Everyone nodded, Harry and Dudley locked eyes

"We've decided to take in the two boys, starting today they will be joining us"

"what?! We never agreed to that!"

"I'm aware of that, but you have no one else, thats why you were here correct? You two obviously ran away from the muggles, which I don't blame you for, and of course before we can officially accept you into the family, you must be classified"

"Classified?! What do you mean?"

"Well Harry, everyone must be classified someday, some people are littles, they often regress to a younger mindset and need someone to take care of them, then there's caregivers, they take care littles, then there's normals and normals aren't classified as anything they're often also muggles, there's other things people can be classified as, like alpha, an alpha it the person that makes sure littles and caregivers are taken care of"

"So? What does this have to do with me?! Im not going to get classified! This is ridiculous, we are leaving" Harry stood up and walked to Dudley

"Let's get out of here"


"What do you mean no?! Dudley we can't stay with them! They're monsters! They're going to hurt us! Please believe me!"

"Harry, just try to relax, they aren't going to hurt us, and we don't have anywhere else to go"

"Harry may I speak to you alone" Draco grabs Harry's arm and quickly drags him out of the room

"What the fuck do you want?!"

"Listen harry, we really have no intention of hurting you,we need your help to be honest, but I can't explain it unless you agree to stay with us just for a little while"

"Fine. But tonight you have to explain everything to me."

"I'll explain anything you want, just go sit down and relax, then you can get classified, and I'll explain everything"

They return to the dining room and sit down

"Harry, do you want to stay here with us?" Lucius ask, looking at Harry with kind and warm eyes

"Y-yes please" Harry mumbled, looking down

"Thats great, we will have a room set up for you and Dudley, until then why don't we all eat some food"

Harry and Dudley each served themselves and started to eat along with everyone else

as everyone ate in silence Harry couldn't help but look at Draco

Why is he being so kind Harry thought

After dinner was over Harry looked over at draco

"Draco, can I talk to you somewhere else"

"Yes sure"

Draco and Harry walked out of the room and upstairs to Draco's bedroom
And it was absolutely beautiful, the walls were a dark green, but the light gave it an almost blue undertone, his bed was beautiful, the sheets were white but looked like a pale green

"You may sit on the bed or you can stand"

Harry sits on the bed, crossing his arms across his lap, Draco sat next to him

"Explain now"

"I can't just yet, you need to be classified, you won't understand unless you are classified which will be tomorrow, until then you will stay in my room with me"

"What the fuck?! I didn't agree to this! You lied to me!"

"I'm sorry Harry, just try to get some rest"

Draco then left for the night

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