I swallowed thickly, watching the band go crazy on stage. The singer had the microphone stand between his legs, his mouth to the mic as he sang out. They were all matching in some similar ways, but the singer was wearing tight leather pants that hugged his thighs and a white button up shirt that was nearly see-through from his sweat.

"These guys are really good." Gracie said right against my ear.

"Who are they?" I yelled over them, turning my gaze towards her.

"Their called The Puma's." She answered me, wrapping her arm around my neck as she used her hand to point out the drummer, "I fucked the drummer once. He really knew how to fuck. They weren't kidding when they said that drummer's really stay on beat, if you know what I mean." She cackled.

"Gross!" I scrunched my face up, pushing at her torso with a laugh, "The singer is really cute." I said under my breath, fixating my eyes back on him as he worked the stage. He was hitting all the high notes, low notes, it was beautiful. He was beautiful. He had long brown hair that cascaded down past his shoulders, flipping it back to show his face.

My breath nearly caught in my throat when he looked at me, something so simple that made me want to shrivel up and disappear. I walked closer to the stage, leaving Gracie where she was standing. I was nearly three feet away from the stage as I watched him grind on his mic stand, his sweaty hair catching the side of his face as his wet lips hung open. The small crowd was going insane, cheering and still dancing.

He walked over to my side of the stage, a smirk on his lips as he leaned down, singing a single line while he looked into my eyes, then sending me a wink. My cheeks heated up and I couldn't help but smirk. I finished the rest of my drink, sighing slowly as the burn started through my throat and down to my stomach. I was already feeling very tipsy at this point.

When the song was over, the crowd cheered loudly, and the singer announced that they were taking a small break and they would come back in fifteen. Everyone moved from the makeshift stage, all the while I had made my way back to Gracie, a crooked smile on my lips.

"Did you see that?" I said loudly, my ears were still ringing from the loud speakers.

"If I were you, I wouldn't talk to the singer," Gracie whispered, "He's kind of an asshole. I heard that he got someone pregnant and refused to be in the kids life. It's a whole thing, but people still love him. He's charming, but in a dangerous way."

"A kid, hmmm?" I stared at the singer as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a rag, there were many girls swarming him. I wouldn't put it past him to fuck at least one of them, or maybe two. He was handsome and I wasn't surprised that the girls had already thrown themselves towards him to talk.

"I'm going for another drink." I blurted out, turning on my heel as I made my way back upstairs. Drinking was actually fun and although I hadn't talked to anyone yet, I was having a lot of fun. I started to regret wearing my sweater, though, because I was burning up from the body heat in this house.

I made my way into the kitchen, making me another drink, but this time I made sure it was stronger so I didn't have to constantly refill my drink. This drink should last me a while. I hummed to myself, stirring my drink with a spoon as I rocked my hips to the music.

"Anna?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me, making my neck snap back to see who was calling me. I turned around with my cup to my chest, my lips parting as I saw Zayn standing a few feet away from me.

I pinched my eyes shut for a moment, biting down hard on my lip before giving him a small wave. I hadn't seen him since Harry rocked his shit at the church. He had a bruise on his noise and there was a swollen lump on his cheek still. I wasn't surprised, it hadn't been that long since we had seen him.

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