Chapter 13: Bottomless Pit

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Ok, so as usual, this took a while, and this chapter honestly burnt it out of me since I think its kinda meh, but I figured, why not do it just for kicks. So anyway, here's my rendition of Bottomless Pit (with a few other episodes thrown into the mix!) But before that, let's look at the reviews!

LibertyOfStars: Yeah, the jury's still out about what Bill's gonna call them, but those are some interesting suggestions! I really am leaning towards Bill calling Pearl sometihng bird related, for obvious humor reasons ;d

meme-asaurus: Its interesting that you mention Blendin, since he's gonna make his debut in the chapter after this one! And honestly, Steven's not to bothered by Pacifica's bullying, since I peg him as never really letting anyone get on his bad side since he's such a positive kid :D

Hdd: The Gems won't notice the portal readings, at first...

erin05774: I may lowkey ship Pearl/Author, but if I hint at it here then it probably won't amount to too much, since I kinda like the idea of an ace Ford.

Disney Dreamer: Bottomless Pit is indeed here! And Measure Up is actually the changed title for Little Dipper, though I changed it because its also mixed with a LOT of original ideas too. And yeah, Irrational Treasure and Historical Friction are going to KINDA mixed. Kinda.

tipoma: Yeah, Steven and the Stevens is sorta lame, but hey, we can't have time travel solve all our problems or answer all our questions, can we? And as far as Dipper not really caring about the time travel thing here, well that would spoil things for Time Traveler's Pig, which is coming up right after this chapter!

Smiles1998: Peridot's not coming for a while now, but I can't wait until she shows up either since she's probably my favorite SU character!

Like I said, I only answer reviews if they have like apressing question in them or something like that. But for now, let's get started! (Atbash again!)

Chapter 13: Bottomless Pit


The Mystery Cart bumped across the thin dirt road, all of its passengers, save for its driver, clinging onto its frame for dear life. Even though it was quite a short drive, Stan still found a way to drive fast and recklessly, even despite the frightened cries of his nephew, niece, and handyman. Fortunately for Dipper, Mabel, and Soos, the cart soon veered and screeched to a halt, allowing them to all relax after such a harrowing experience. Their shared relief soon turned into bewilderment, however, as they filed out of the cart only to find what appeared to be a very wide, probably quite deep hole in the dusty ground before them.

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits," Stan said as he stood near the edge of the hole, gesturing for the others to join him. "But none are more bottomless than the bottomless pit. Which, as you can see here, is bottomless."

"Question," Soos spoke up. "Is it bottomless?"

The con man let out an annoyed sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Kids, can one of you try explaining this to Soos?"

"Whoa!" Mabel gasped in awe as she peeked over the side of the pit, looking into the seemingly endless black abyss below. "That's not your ordinary kind of darkness down there. That's advanced darkness!"

"Grunkle Stan, why are we hear again?" Dipper asked, warily staying clear of the rugged edges of the pit.

"To get rid of stuff we don't want anymore," Stan replied, pulling a small stack of square papers out of his sleeve before tossing them into the abyss. "So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" The con man's broad grin soon vanished, however, as he happened to catch sight of the group heading down the hill towards the shack. "Speaking of things I'd like to get rid of..."

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