Chapter 12: Copies and Clones

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Ok guys, I'm sorry for this taking so long, blah, blah blah, you've heard it all before. So I'll keep this short. My family is moving and I have to get a summer job, which is why things have been so slow lately. Hopefully things will pick up as I get into more of a routine for the summer! Anyway, here we have a chapter that I've been looking quite forward too. Hopefully, it won't get confusing for you guys, even though we're dealing with quite a few doubles in it. And with that out of the way, let's get started with reviews!

Jarvis R. Yeriel: Yeah, Gideon's kind of a boring antagonist, not like the true villain of Gravity Falls (Bill, of course). But thanks anyway. And good luck wih your story!

Matt: Eh, actually this chapter sticks pretty close o what happens in both Double Dipper and Steven and the STevens. But we'd all be in trouble if Onion happened to come across the copier machine!

Ember Neutron: I can't say much about that but... keep an eye out... ;)

starburst98: Yeah, maybe, but I figure that Steven gets stronger as he goes along, and thiis is still fairly early into things. And besides, the amulet is pretty powerful...

meme-asaurus: Oh man, Gideon and Onion together? That sounds like a really bad combo that we might end up seeing yet...

Disney Dreamer: You're totally right! And I think it would be safe to say that the amulet is sort of like Lapis, in that its trapped and used as a tool. But as far as me doing anything with that later on, we'll have to wait and see!

PerryGamer: Pacifica is indeed going to have a bit of a larger role here, mostly because I like her so much as a character! I especially have some things planned for her post Northwest Mansion Mystery. I haven't really thought about Dipper holding onto a gem destableizer, but I could see how that could lead to some drama later on, just like the memory gun. And yeah, most of the other Homeworld Gems don't know about BIll and YD (save for the Diamond Authority, of course)

Whiteling: Oh don't worry! I have some exciting plans for Dreamscapers, as well as Gideon Rises!

Well, with that out of the way, let's get started! And don't forget, now that we're in arc 2, we're using Atbash!

Chapter 12: Copies and Clones


The Sea Shrine, as its name implied, rested deep at the bottom of the ocean, making it one of the most remote Gem structures on Earth. Its glass walls and high-vaulted ceilings allowed for a grand view of beauty of the deep sea, but what made the submerged temple even more interesting was the diverse collection of hourglasses lining its long, singular hall. With awed curiosity, Steven examined each hourglass from a distance, which varied in size from as big as his hand to as tall as the high ceiling, remembering Pearl's firm warning not to touch any of them. The other Gems weren't too far away, inspecting the other hourglasses in search of the one they had come to this ancient place for: the glass of time.

"Hey, what about this little one?" Steven called to the others, pointing out a small, round hourglass that had caught his eye. The tiny sphere was easily small enough to fit into the palm of his hand, though he refrained in picking it up. "Its adorbable."

"Steven, the legendary glass of time won't be nearly so small and insignificant," Pearl explained, turning her nose up at the petite hourglass. "It will be beautiful and grand. Like this one!" The white Gem's eyes were filled with delight and wonder as she looked over to another nearby hourglass, which was medium in size and very elegant in design.

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