Just as Carnage finished speaking the War Machine burst through the door immediately blasting you with his sonic ray which tore Carnage from you, an armed officer ran into the room and trapped your symbiote in a glass container

You were still feeling the effects of the sonic ray as you were placed in handcuffs, many handcuffs actually, due to Carnage you were deemed as an Avengers level threat on your own and you knew they didn't know anything about him

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You were still feeling the effects of the sonic ray as you were placed in handcuffs, many handcuffs actually, due to Carnage you were deemed as an Avengers level threat on your own and you knew they didn't know anything about him

{Big timeskip}

You had been in your cell for about a month now, just waiting for Carnage to come and rescue you, You heard news about Natasha being put in custody as well, you yourself were in your cell in your own section of the Raft just waiting for each day to end and each day to start, it was horrible and you weren't adjusting to life without a symbiote very well. But today was your lucky day because when the guard came to bring your food, you recognised them, it was everyone who helped Cap and they had taken down the guards and were here to break you out

Y/n: Fucking finally, what took you guys so long

Wanda stepped towards your cell and used her magic in order to shatter the glass keeping you in

Y/n: Thanks

Scott: Well don't say thanks yet, we got one more thing for you

Scott throws a bag to you which you open quickly, you look and find something you weren't expecting, you saw a pair of handguns with a belt full of ammo, you equipped both guns and the belt and began shooting your way through the Raft

{Timeskip like two months}

You and Josh had been the owners and CEOs of Oscorp for a while now, you mostly spent your share of your money organising search teams to try find Carnage, it had been ages since you'd last seen him, however Josh was trying to make more weapons like the ones you both found together in the lowest levels. You were both working one night when one of the employees rushed in your office

Employee: Sir! We found something!

Y/n: Well show me

The employee in a white lab coat rushed over and showed a video of a war scene when suddenly one of the soldiers turned massive and red, it was Carnage

Employee: The current host of Carnage is known as William L/n

Y/n: I don't believe it, that bastard is still alive huh, well I guess it's time I pay him a visit. Have the boys get my arms ready, I need to make a call

The employee then left the room to relay the message and you started to ring someone




???: Hello?

Y/n: Hey dad, it's me

Eddie: Hey kid, what do I owe the pleasure of this call

Y/n: You know how I've never asked for anything? Well, I've got a pretty big ask of you

Eddie: Anything kid

Y/n: I need your help to kill William

Eddie: Yeah kid I'm gonna need some context

Y/n: Look just get over to Oscorp I'll explain when you're here

Eddie: Oscorp? Kid what have you been doing since we last talked

Y/n: Long story short I own Oscorp, get over here and come to the lowest floor, I'll meet you there

You hang up the phone but realise that there's one more person you need help from, you dial the number

Y/n: Look I know you hate me but I'm gonna be completely honest right now I need your help

{Big-ish Timeskip}

You were currently flying in your company's plane, yeah Oscorp had a plane no big deal, with your father, Josh and the person who was judging your plane, Tony Stark himself

Tony: Seriously kid? No seat warmers?

Y/n: Tony this is my first time seeing this plane

Eddie: Y/n! You still haven't told us what's going on

Josh: I'm just here to test out my suit

You gave them a quick explanation on the Carnage sighting and how it was your father

Y/n: That's why we're going to the battlefield he was last seen at

When the plane landed everyone was discussing their assignments

Y/n: Tony I need you to scout the area he was last seen, see if you can find any clues to where he might be now

Venom: Y/n

Y/n: Yeah?

Venom: We think this mission was highly flawed

Y/n: Why?

Venom: Because he already found us

You looked where Venom was pointing and see your father staring at you, when he suddenly collapses onto the floor, Carnage was then evacuating his body and slowly crawling over to you in his symbiote form, you rush over to him and embrace him in a hug as he slowly reabsorbs into your body

Y/n: Carnage I've missed you man

Carnage: I have missed you too human, I did promise you I would come back

Tony: So we didn't have to come here?


You had all gotten back to Oscorp and were celebrating Carnage's return with drinks

Tony: So anyway as I said Happy's been dealing with moving everything to the compound tonight in a plane that has, and I can't say this enough, what is essentially invisibility, it's impossible to steal from

Carnage: Anyone else think he's gonna get robbed?

This brought everyone to a chuckle, but then again you were the only sober one there, even Eddie had drunk so much that Venom couldn't keep him sober, but one thing you found out was that Josh was a total lightweight, three drinks and he was out like a light

Eddie: So kid, how come you own Oscorp

Y/n: I killed Green Goblin with the help of Wanda and then as a final fuck you me and Josh bought the place

Tony: With my money

Y/n: As if you don't have enough to buy nearly everything on the planet

Tony: Yeah but that money meant a lot to me, it included the first dollar I ever made

Y/n: You didn't give me it in cash

Tony: Shut it

All of you kept drinking into the night until eventually you did the worst thing you could've in that situation, you brought the games out

The Next Day

You just woke up and you looked around yourself one thing was certain from your surroundings, either you were still drunk, or you got kidnapped by a wizard

???: Allow me to clear things up

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