Chapter 8

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You looked around yourself, you appeared to be in apartment, but then you looked around around and saw someone, you, but the other you looked young, a lot younger. You couldn't tell how old he was until you heard someone say

Eddie: Hey, happy eighth birthday bud

*So I'm currently eight, good to know. But why on Earth am I seeing this

Eddie then left the room, presumably to get your gift but you followed him anyway, you saw him go into the kitchen and talk to Anne

Eddie: So, this is the kid's first birthday since what happened with his parents

Anne: How is he holding up?

Eddie: He seems fine, but I still can't believe what happened, it almost seems unreal

Anne: Well the main point is that he's happy and safe

Eddie: Yeah I guess so, well come on we gotta give him his cake

Anne and Eddie walk through to the living room where your younger self was obsessing over the toy he got from Eddie, a Transformer action figure! YS (Younger Self) noticed them walking in started running towards them but just as that happened everything around you changed and you were in a new location, this time surrounded by fire and you knew exactly where you were

Y/n: So I'm back to where my parents died, but I still don't know why

Then a familiar laughing asshole saw you and landed his glider right next to you

GG: Because I am in your head now

Y/n: Wait what, I thought Carnage got rid of the side effects when I received your serum

GG: I am rather sneaky

Y/n: Well I can't have you living in my mind, affecting my judgement so looks like I'm gonna be killing you again

You tried to make Carnage take over but something was wrong, he wouldn't come out

GG: Got a problem there? HAHAHA You can't call on your friend since he's the one controlling our body

Y/n: What do you mean our?

At this point the green bastard in front of you was so annoying that you just got in front of him and punched him, he fell to the ground and his mask even smashed, but then you had the fright of your life. When GG got up, he looked at you but you saw your own face. At that moment you were brought back to reality but you weren't in the airport anymore you were back at the tower, in your own bedroom. You were frightened, you didn't know how you got here and you didn't know how long you were in that vision but it wasn't good anyway, why did you see your birthday why was the Green Goblin back

Carnage then appeared from your shoulder

Carnage: I failed you Y/n, I tried to make sure you could have his strength so that if the time comes when I am not with you, you'd be able to protect yourself

Y/n: Carnage, I didn't know you were thinking of that, why are you so worried

Carnage: Because the stuff that we've been doing is dangerous and you are a human that I actually like so I don't want you dying

This was strange, Carnage was showing sentiment

Carnage: IT WAS A ONE TIME THING ALRIGHT, but get out of your thoughts I need to say something serious, you were in that dream-like state for a day and a half, i brought you here but we are gonna be splitting up for a while because the human with the War Machine suit has a sonic ray and he's outside waiting for you to wake up but don't worry, I will find you. I promise that

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