Chapter 31 - She Was Back

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I woke up facing two glimmering pools.

"Morning Princess." Niall whispered, holy shit Irish + Morning Voice = Heaven!

"Mmm.." I mumbled.

"I need to get up." Niall muttered

"NOO.." I groaned tightening my grip on him.

"The boys will get mad at me" Niall warned.

"Not my problem." I say cuddling into his bare chest. Wait back up bare?

"where's your shirt?" I asked not bothering to look up.

"It got hot at night so I took it off.

"But I was holding onto you all night!" I wondered confused.

"Did I tell you I'm a ninja?" Niall murmured kissing down my jawline.

"Mmm" I sighed, it felt good.

He scattered kisses down my jawline till he reached my soft spot, slowly sucking on it.

"Niall don't.." I tried to say but it came out in a moan, I felt his smile against my skin.

"Niall..." I muttered.

"Revenge.." Niall murmured on my neck as he sucked more.

"I'll let go, Niall stop!" I whined trying to push him off with one hand.

He pulled away smiling at me.

"Remember that next time I want something." he chuckled pecking me on the lips.

"Niall!" we heard someone shout, Liam.

"What are you doing here?" Niall asks nervously.

"No the question is what are you doing here?" Liam said.

"There was a thunderstorm, and Tess was scared, so I came to comfort her." Niall replied sheepishly.

"Cute, but next time tell us!" Liam barked.

"Li, if Dani was in hospital you would do it too, just saying." I said laughing.

"Yeah.. Well I'm going home, well be back in a few Niall you're coming now." Liam said walking out with no other words.

"See you in a bit." Niall muttered pecking me on the cheek then hopping out trying to do up his supras.

I watched as he got smaller and smaller then was out of view. Soon a docter got bigger than bigger.

"Miss Tomlinson! Awake so early!" the doctor said smiling.

"Yeah, when I'm allowed out?" I asked hoping I don't sound rude,

"Today if you feel better, but you have to keep the bandage for the week then you can take it off and it should be fully healed!" The doctor said.

"Seriously?!" I asked, if he's playing with me I will rip his balls off.

"Serious." He replied checking my clipboard stuff then leaving.

I am too happy.

@Tessa_Tomlinson: Being allowed to leave the hospital is the best news yet :D

I watched as the retweets went up along with the favourites.

@Niall_MakesMe_Wet: @Tessa_Tomlinson: You might as well die there

Haters gonna hate.. I thought as my gut fell.


I almost fell asleep with Liam's endless blabbering in the car journey back, surprisigly I was still awake when we parked in our drive. I ran into the house for no reason and went straight to the kitchen.

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