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You found him leaning against the railing, watching the shipyard moving farther away from you.

A lump formed in your throat at the sight. Finally, you were out of your birth country and going to explore an unknown world on the other side of the Atlantic.

His head inclined slightly to your direction as if he sensed your approach but still kept his eyes fixed on the distant rapidly-fading image.

"They're having dinner. We're supposed to attend." Your voice was polite yet direct. After all, he was almost a stranger to you.

He nodded at the white foam around the place where the ship's Hull touched the water, "are they?"

"Yes they are." You were tempted to turn on your heel and attend the lunch without him since he was so inattentive to your words but thought the best of it.

He didn't reply but strutted past you in the direction of the dining room. You were astonished at how easily he managed to make you feel worthless.

You followed him along the many decks and balustrades to the dining room. The interiors were luxurious. Round tables with white tablecloths, silver dinner service, the White Starline didn't disappoint. You sat down at a table beside Taehyung with another couple.

"How do you do?" The woman hextended a gloved hand at you. You were not very eager to interact but took nevertheless. Maybe it was your sheltered, almost imprisoned upbringing, but interactions with people, whatever their social class or status, tired you terribly. 

"I'm very fine thank you."

"I'm Kim Namjoon, as you might know—he winked—owner of the White Starline and this is my wife Seonmi. Is this Mr Kim Taehyung from Esstbury Holdings? The owner?" Her husband asked him with a gracious smile.

You watched Taehyung flash his impeccably white teeth and smile the typical polite smile of an English gentleman, yet when he opened his mouth what escaped was the usual clipped, uptight tone he used with you. "Yes I am." 

He didn't change how he speaks from person to person did he? You added the delicate fact into your head-it would make you feel better in the future.

Three waiters arrived and laid the food on the table while you watched, smiling graciously at you. The other tucked into their dinner whil you remained quiet, stretching your fingers while comparing them to the colour of the tablecloth below. You weren't starving as of yet.

Titanic: A Tale of Infidelity | KTH (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now