Without knowing, Narcissa smiled at the two of them before speaking, "I shall go put them in a vase!" she excuses herself, stepping away with bubbly steps to decorate the flowers.

Lucius frowns, clearing his throat and Aine's attention drifted to him, "Well then, I would be in my study. Please be careful with the artefacts around my house and do not touch them, as tempting as they are to admire or steal," he said sharply and Aine narrowed her eyes at his allegations.  

"Of course, Mr Malfoy. I'm sure they are very valuable to you."

"They are," he chimes, "And they are also filled with dark matter and curses so do take caution. Though I wouldn't stop you if you want yourself to be cursed!" he added gleefully and Aine simpers.

"See her around well, son!" Lucius ordered before giving his guest one last nod before turning his heels, his long blonde locks swishing around, "Oh. And while your stay here, Miss Estoileon... Do not disturb me," he warns before disappearing up the stairs. 

"I apologize for my father's rude behaviour. He's not particularly fond of people visiting our home..." Draco excuses, feeling a little apologetic to her. 

Aine shook her head and waved her hands, "Oh no! Not at all. Don't worry about it." 

Narcissa quickly interfered,  "Yes! Never mind my husband! He's just awkward around youngsters!" she lets out a half-giggle before her eyes drift to Draco who was frozen and still, her lips curled, like father like son.

"Right... Um— Thank you, Mrs Malfoy," Aine thanked and the lady nodded her head. 

"Draco? Why don't you show Aine around our home? Dinner might take some time to prepare so please keep our guest company until then," she suggested and the younger Malfoy grins. 

"I will, mother," he replies. Draco turns to Aine and takes her baggage before offering his hand to her. Aine glances between his hand and Narcissa who was giving her an encouraging smile. 

"Go on, my dear."

"Shall we?" he asks her and Aine nodded as her lips curled.

"I'd like that," she replies, taking his arm.

The two of them began heading upstairs, Draco was introducing Aine to the various floors of his home. He first brought her to her room so that she could put down her baggage before they start exploring the manor. Taking the flight of stairs up, Aine noticed that his home was surprisingly similar to Hogwarts in some ways— the walls were mostly stoned with columns and beams, there were moving portraits almost everywhere although mostly were motionless whenever she walks past them. There was little light in the manor and was cold and quiet, almost as if no one had lived there. 

Aine stole a peek at Draco who was explaining the history of his home and how it was passed down from his ancestors to the head of the household. His voice grew monotonous the more he spoke of its background, "It was given to father by grandfather when he was of age, and since I am the only son... It would be me who inherits it when I come of age."

"You sound as if you dislike it," Aine implied. 

Draco's lips curled sadly as he looks ahead, "To be honest? Yeah, a little."

"May I ask why?" she questions, being careful not to offend him in any way. She thought that his home was beautiful, fascinating even but somehow she felt a sense of loneliness and coldness to it. Like it was built to encase someone in it, shackling someone within these walls, perhaps that was why he didn't like it.

Draco looks over to her, "I think you already know the answer to that, my lady," he replies and Aine's eyes went wide. 

She narrows at him, "Are you reading my mind?" she asks suspiciously and he chuckles. 

UNKNOWN | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 4)Where stories live. Discover now