Chapter 1

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Lou glared at the portal, watching all the dolls leaving through it and coming back made him burn with rage. How could all these imperfect dolls enter the big would while he was now stuck in the disgusting 'imperfection', everyone was having fun getting dirty and ruining perfection. Those ugly dolls ruined everything he had built.

He stood across from the portal with a broom in hand. His grip tightened each time an ugly doll ran through the portal. Dolls who chose to travel between the worlds would quickly rush back to their child in the morning before the child would wake.

If the ugly dolls can enter the big world, he should be able to enter too.

Lou watched them for an hour until nobody else was around. All the dolls had returned to their humans, or they were in Uglyville playing with the ugly rejects.


Rejects were able to enter the big world.

He glanced around making sure no other doll or robots were around to stop him and slowly made his way to the portal. If rejects can do it, he should be able to too.

Lou dropped the broom and quickly made his way to the portal.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped through.

"Oh wow, I haven't seen you in a while." An older man stared down at a doll he found while cleaning out the garage. He lifted the doll to his face and raised a brow. "I don't remember you looking exactly like that though."

"Who are you talking to you?" The man's wife stuck her head in the garage. "You're supposed to be cleaning up."

The man held up the doll to show his wife. "Look, I found the prototype that I had to design years ago."

His wife frowned. "You don't plan to keep it do you?"

He glanced down at the doll. "It's not worth anything, I'll just put it in the trash." As the old man spoke he tossed the doll into his trash pile.


"Hey, girl, happy birthday!"

You flinched as someone threw themselves onto your back.

"Jess, you're heavy." You groaned straining to keep both of you from falling. "Also, who let you inside my house?"

Jess held up the spare key you had given her to your apartment, that was meant for emergencies. "So, what's the emergency?" You questioned while rolling your eyes.

As Jess opened her mouth, you quickly cut her off. "My birthday doesn't count as an emergency."

The dark-haired girl turned her attention to a random object in your kitchen. "Wow, that is a nice pan, is it new? Where did you get it? I seriously need to go shopping for kitchen supplies since I'm moving out of my parent's house soon, you know?" Her attempt at changing the subject was annoying but you decided to humor her.

"I took it from my mom's house. She never used it, so I figured I'd borrow it, at least until she notices it's gone."

Jess nodded and looked as if she actually cared about the pot on your stove, you couldn't take it much more.

"Look, it's fine. Next time please just knock on the door."

Your friend grinned at your forgiveness and proceeded to toss a bag at you. "So, this isn't actually the gift I wanted to give you. Your real gift is delayed in the mail, but I couldn't not give you something on your birthday. Plus, I found this, and oh my god, perfect for you. I just had to get it for you once I saw it."

"I would've been okay to wait. You really didn't have to get me an extra gift." You mumbled as you pulled the tissue paper from the bag. Once you saw the object in the bag you raised your brow and looked at your friend. "Okay, you really didn't have to."

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