Chapter One||Welcome home

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Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
H/c = Hair color
H/l = Hair length
F/c = favourite color
F/f = favourite food

These won't all be in this chapter but so you know when reading this series in the near future.

Edited 11/2/22

You felt the cold breeze hit your skin, with each step you took closer to the bottom of the steps.

You strode down the white hallway carrying a large bag in you right hand. You entered a larger area with many passing by or even walking behind.
You walked through the mechanical gates, eyeing the crowd looking for something more so someone.

Seeing the familiar person, a brown brunet and green eye boy, realising he's grown much taller and starting to reveal some masculine features. The individual waved his hands around try to catch your attention.
You chuckled as you made you way over to him through the crowd or bags and people.

"Y/N!" He smiled as he gave you a surprising embrace. "Ethan, Glad to see you again, where's the old man?"
You glanced behind him to see if there was anyone else you knew. "He had some urgent business to take care of, so pretty much the usual.." he sighed his smile the fore changing into a frown sounding aswell disappointed.

"Well that's okay of course, he's always been the type to overwork himself." You laughed off the disappointment. Ethan smiled at you again before offering to take your luggage " Y/N it's been so long" he mention once he picked up the bag, seemed to be struggling to hold it up like you were minutes ago.

You seeing this sighed and took back the bag from him, he rubbed his neck awkwardly seeing not even he could carry your heavy bag. "Well I guess four years is long" you hummed

You both stopped at the baggage trolly, Ethan became even more embarrassed when you picked up your large baggage in the opposite hand. In a way he felt his masculinity was being insulted. "Just happy you've returned safe." He watched you take the two giant pieces of luggage in both hands. Okay he needed to look away before he started to envy your strength.

You both made your way to a blue van parked in a pick up spot, you shook your head. "Ethan you shouldn't be parking in these spots. At least park somewhere you won't get a fine." you gave him a concerned look.

He unlocked the door letting you place down both bags and opening up the back boot. "Says pick up, does it not?" He replied cheekily.

"Still you'll get a fine, you weren't in the car the entire time here, right?"
You huffed annoyed as you placed both bags in the boot of the van.

"Screw that logic, if I was picking someone up then I should be able to get this space, in car or not in car who gives a fuck"

You closed the boot before opening the passenger seat door, he got into the drivers seat. "Its the law Ethan" you told him as you fasten your seat belt.

"Whatever I picked you up so there's no problem" he smirk before changing gears and turning his intercater on. You smiled, you somehow had missed his unreasonable logic in things. You were happy to be home with your child hood friend once more. More so meeting the old memories of you two getting into the dumbest of arugements.

"Hey y/n" you snapped out of your trance and glanced over at him, his focus still on the road.
"Have you thought about what you will do here?" You looked out the window watching the passing cars. "Not exactly..." you were unsure what you will do in the mean time. Having a robotics degree wasn't much use here afterall.

"You know the old man and I have been looking for a robotics engineer for the new mega pizza plex." He glanced over at you before taking his focus back to the road.

'Pizza plex? Is he still adoring that pizzarea bussiness?' and that ting wasn't new you swore its been around since you left for your studies You sigh "I'll think about it"

Your uncle so fascinated with those pizzarea growing up he would never stop talking about owning one. You didn't understand his obsession with this line of work. All you knew is that he loved his pizzarea industry. Got to the point he would have animatronic parts, papers and things doing with the pizzarea all over the household growing up.

You yawned, still having some lingering jet lag from entering the country. Ethan kept his eyes on the road leaving the car in silence. Your eyes began to feel heavy, the airport was quite far from your destination so there's no problem having a quick power nap. You leaned towards the car door to only fall into a deep slumber.

After some time Ethan shook you awake, "y/n, we're here" you let out a groan before squinting your eyes open/
"You should get inside, I'll bring in your bags" he wanted to try take ahold of his masculinity once more from the sound of it. He had gotten out of car and open the boot to take ahold of your bags.

You sighed knowing he would struggle with the task. You sat up, unbuckling your seat belt in the process. You opened the car door and closed it behind you before taking your bags from him once more. He awkwardly smiled at you "you really need to stop trying to carry these" you laughed.
He turned red from embarrassment while giving the back of his neck a little rub. He closed the boot, locking the car. He decided to just lead you inside, those bags will never be able to be taken a hold of by him. What were in those bags he will never know, but he swore you were carrying bloody bowling balls for fred bears sake.

You both walked up a small path leading to a familiar two story grey house. "Home sweet Home" He open the door and moved out of your way to let you through.

You placed the bag down taking in the nostalgia. "Been awhile since you've been here, huh?" He lead you up stairs to a small room to the right, they didn't get rid of this place? You were sure that the old man would've sold it by now.

As you two reach the room, Ethan opened up the door to reveal your old bed along with things you had left behind. "I brought everything back down from the attic to make you feel, at home." You smiled at his words "thank you Ethan, this is a big help, Really." you strode in, placing your luggage beside your old single bed. You eyed the room, filled with old posters of old bands, pictures of you with Ethan and your uncle.
Though you weren't related by blood you always were close you three. You never thought of the unrelated thing ever, not until you picked up a photo of you three off the wall of course, the thought hasn't crossed your mind.

It had you on your uncle's back with Ethan dangling off his left arm like some monkey. "I remember that one!" He pointed out. "I was thirteen then, you were ten.." you replied.

"So much time since then" he hummed before about to step out "I've got some things to do, down stairs. If you need a strong man to lend you a hand with unpacking". You chuckled at the word 'strong man'
"Strong man? You had issues carrying my bags" reminding him of his issues.

He blushed with embarrassment once again, you shrugged it off. "I'll be fine hercules" you smiled. he gave you his signature grin before leaving you be.

You fell back on your bed, staring up at the white roof. You yawned once more before feeling your eyes become lazy and dozing off to sleep once more.

Word count 1330

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