Chapter Twenty

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Me and Justin haven't really spoke since we almost kissed the other day, although we are sitting next to each other for the plane ride to New York. I just hope it isn't going to be 6 hours of awkward silence. I was currently waiting at the airport for Justin. We recieved our tickets through the post and we just had to check in. A car pulled up and I noticed Pattie kiss Justin on the cheek before he got out and grabbed his suitcase from the back of the car. I smiled at him when he looked up to me, hoping that this wasn't going to be awkward.

"Hey." He said, dragging his suitcase behind him as we both waved by to Pattie. "I'm pretty excited, are you?" He asked as we headed inside the airport. 

"Really excited. I can't believe they accepted me." I admitted.

"They would have been stupid not to." Justin said as we headed in for the check in desk. We both handed the relevant documents to her before she checked our passports. 

"Okay you're on the flight to JFK in two hours, gate 5." The girl said with a smile, handing us our passports back. 

"Thank you." We both said before we proceeded to the departure lounge.


"Have you ever been to New York?" I asked Justin as we left security.

"No, have you?" He asked. 

"I went once with my mom but it wasn't for very long, only a couple of days. I only got to go because I was too young to stay in the house on my own and my mom couldn't find a very good childminder." I replied. 

"Did you enjoy it?" Justin asked. 

"I loved it!" I replied. "It's such a nice place." Justin nodded. 

"My mom read through the letter. Each day the tour finishes at about 4 o'clock. We also spend a couple of days in new york at the end of the week because of when the flights are booked, so we'll be in a hotel. Do you want to go sight-seeing?" 

"I'd love that Justin." I said. "I wanted to go to ground zero." I said.

"Me too, and the statue of liberty." Justin replied as I nodded. 

"And shopping." I smirked,

"But that's so boring." Justin groaned.

"What a shame." I replied sarcastically. 


I handed the lady my boarding pass before following Justin onto the plane.

"I get the window seat." I said.

"Fine but I get it on the way back." Justin said, making me nod. I'm so glad it's not awkward between us, that would have been awful. I sat down, laying my head on Justin's shoulders as we began to take off.  

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