And forever. [part 1]

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When the ship finally stops moving, it takes a few moments for James to react. He would have fallen over if he wasn't already putting most of his weight onto Sage's side. The two men stand in front of Sage's desk, looking at a rough sketch of Roriark that James drew up from memory, checking to make sure their plan has a chance of working one final time.

"It seems that we arrived," Sage notes, feeling the lack of movement under his feet.

"That's what that was," James says, a tinge of nervousness present in his voice. "Guess that means it's time."

"Sure is," the older man continues, kissing the younger man on the head before beginning to wrap up the small map and place it into his overfilled bag. He slings the satchel back over his shoulder before continuing to speak. "Ready to go?"

"I think," the smaller man replies. "I've checked my bag enough times, checking it again won't help."

"Then, let's find Celine."

"Somebody say Celine," a voice yells from outside the cabin's closed door, a familiar female voice, that is. Before either of the men can react, Celine is opening the wooden door and stepping inside.

"How long have you been there?" Sage asks with a laugh.

"Eh, I just got here. I was coming over to say that the ship docked 'cause I figured you two might be too busy to hear it. After how loud it was last night, I mean," Celine replies with a grin. Sage bursts out in laughter instantly, James turning a deep wine red.

"I don't think we were that loud," the smaller man says quietly, trying to preserve the little dignity he has left. But to be fair, why does he even try? The simple comment only causes Celine to laugh more, Sage trying hard not to chuckle even harder.

"Don't worry, my love, I loved it," the older man replies when he can actually form the words without laughing. "But let's just say it's a good thing we're leaving today."

"Then, please, let's leave," James replies, mortified beyond belief.

"Aye, aye, princie," Celine laughs, making the younger man walk to the door, wishing he could just disappear.

The three of them find Eric and Scotty, share tearful goodbyes, wish each other the best of luck, and promise to meet back here in a year. Sage, at the very end, adds that if there is a single new scratch on the ship, he'll personally beat Eric up. The new captain takes it to heart, making promises and prayers. The groups laughs one last time, extend the moment for all its worth. And then, as they all feel it, it's time.

Just like that, the fateful three depart the ship, walking into a land once so familiar, and now so new.

With loaded bags and heavy hearts, they step onto dry land for the first time in months, land controlled by Roriark for the first time in years for two of them. Those two never thought they would be back, but the castle far off in the distance counteracts their disbelief. They stand at the small dock that's separated from the heart of the city, waving goodbye to the ship that will never know how grateful they are. They watch it disappear on the horizon before beginning their journey into the heart of the kingdom.

James' heart races with each step he takes closer to town. He's going to see his stepfather. He's going to see the king. And it's not only the fact he's going to see the man he despises; he also has a plan that relies so much on how the king reacts. And if James knows anything, it's that the king is known for reacting in all sorts of ways. Hopefully, it all works out.

Hopefully. Hope is all James has.

The three walk through beaten trails, inching closer to their fate with every step they take. Fate. It's an interesting concept. Was it fate that brough Sage and James together? It had to have been, right? How else would these two meet? Two princes of the same kingdom meeting and falling in love has to be fate. They must have been following the thin string that led to the other for their whole lives, no?

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