You're gonna have to spell it out for me.

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The following two weeks pass by slowly, the two men trying to extend the short amount of time they have left on the ship for as long as possible. Who knows when they'll next be on a boat once they get off of this one? If they'll ever?

Now that Sage has officially handed the reins over to Eric, his days are free of captain duties. Instead, he spends his time continuing to train James to fight, creating a solid plan for what happens once they reach land, talking, laughing, drawing, kissing, and, most importantly, enjoying life. Despite the stress of future events that loom close, the older man doesn't know when he's ever felt so happy and carefree. He can thank James for that, the two spending every waking, and sleeping, moment together. Life is perfect, for they are with each other.

Eventually, between the minds of Sage, Celine, and James, a concrete plan is set in place for once they reach land. It'll be just them three leaving the boat, and just them trying to overthrow the government. It shouldn't be that hard, should it?

And, just like that, the day is almost here. The ship dock will dock at a small port in the outskirts of Roriark tomorrow, at around high noon to be precise. Now that the sun has set, it means that the fateful three have less than twenty-four hours left on the boat. They have everything prepared, that's not the issue of course, there's just no telling what doors Lady Future will open, which gifts she'll hold in her arms, which tricks are brewing in her mind.

Yet, for Sage, the only important thing is James' safety. For James, it's Sage's.

"Everything will go according to plan, right?" the younger man asks softly as the two cuddle next to each other, the day becoming colder as it turns to night. They're sitting up on their bed, backs leaned against the headboard, James' head on Sage's shoulder, the older man's head on the younger's.

"In life, nothing is promised, my love. But this time, I think we're the lucky ones," the larger man soothes in a whisper as he gently rubs his hand up and down the smaller man's waist.

"Less than a day; I can't believe it," James adds, mostly thinking out loud. He seems to do that a lot in Sage's presence.

"Less than a day until we start our forever," the older man says with a smile.

"Are you ready?"

"I believe so. How about you? Was there anything you needed to do before we dock?"

"I don't think so," James says naturally, without a second thought, which is when he realizes there was something that he'd been meaning to finish. "Actually, yes, there is."


"Stay right here," the smaller man says, slipping out of the larger man's grip and standing up from off the bed. He walks to Sage's cabinet, opening it, and finding the extra blankets that he used to use when he slept on the floor all that time ago. They are placed to the side, as James is only focused on what's underneath them. He quickly picks up the book before returning to Sage, still sitting up on the bed.

"Whatcha got there?" the older man asks with a smile, pleasantly confused.

"Something I've been working on," James replies. "A gift."

"For whom?"

"You, of course," the smaller man says, handing the book to Sage.

"Is this the first book we read together?" James nods. "You know, I thought I was missing a book." Sage laughs, examining the cover and back. "Thank you for finding me a replacement."

"It's not a replacement," the younger man says excitedly.


"Open it up."

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