Chapter 5 (T.F.G)

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Zoes Pov

We were all training me using my clipboard and phone to record our train process and I was testing everyone on their knowledge cause we all get to take the Genin Exam Early cause of us being Prodigies an all so I was bunking our Training up a level or two I look towards Ella and Saw she was having a bit of trouble working on a new Stretching routine

I made for her I walk over to her 'Here Ella a lil like this and listen to this music it will help you relax while stretching and use this Gel cream it will help with the stretching pain. She thanked me and got it after I explained it to her then I walked over to Naruto he was lifting weights and he had the heaviest weights on it.

I almost sweat dropped at the sight 'Amazing work Naruto keep it up! ' he continued and gave me a Whole hearted smile 'Ah Jordan go to the treadmill next after you finish this training activity' Jordan Nodded at me and.

I walked away to the Kitchen to make lunch for everyone. I started on make Mastaball and noodle Soup it was a Family recipe after 2 hours it was finished I made dango and other treats and I grabbed a couple of Sodas and I served everyone a bowl after that I went into our group chat and

Texted lunch is done and after a second I saw Amiana and midnight and Jacob and Monique run in and they grabbed a bowl of the soup and their favourite Soda and went and started eating Naruto came in I gave him his bowl of soup and a fruit salad since it was his favourite side dish and his soda Then after everyone grabs their bowl of soup and their favourite Soda

I smiled and ate my soup and drank my soda and then we all went back to training.

*3 Hours Later*

After Training we all went back to naruto's home aka the Palace and since we all go their Every Friday and we all have our own rooms their now in the East wing with Naruto and his mother and the West Wing is for their guests and everyone went into the palace Hot Spring and we all went in and seperated into two different rooms though after we finished in the hot spring we all went to our rooms and changed and we all collapsed onto our beds and fell asleep.

*Back in Konoha*


"WHERE IS NARUBAKA!?" I looked at Sakura and the rest of the class I sighed "Class.. " everyone kept talking over me  so I used my big head noise Jesus"QUIET!!! "Everyone quieted down to listen" I have news about naruto"Everyone fell completely silent"Naruto has transfered villages the whole week while he wasn't here is because he moved away so I had an idea in a month we will go on a school trip to his new Village and see how he's doing" Kiba spoke"You mean naruto really moved? "Kiba fell completely silent I looked towards everyone and I saw all of Naruto friends look really upset Naruto I hope your ok in your new Village.

*Back in Whirlpool*

Naruto pov

"achoo!! Why is someone talking about me" Zoe passed me a tissue I took it and rubbed my nose with it then. I threw the tissue away "Thanks Zoe Ane-San" She replied with no problem we all headed into school our group got in the classroom and we saw the instructors and our teacher we did just that after we did that we passed the academy I had a red whirlpool headband I tied it around my neck Zoe Ane-San put her as a head band on top of her head and the rest put them around their waist or arm head or neck each our personal color after we got our headbands we left the academy and went to where all our parents were meeting us once we got there I hugged my mom while Zoe Ane-San hugged her dad after that her dad gave me a hug to congratulate me after that we all went to a giant party our parents hosted for us and our village came and celebrated with us it was so much fun!.

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