Chapter 30

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I stepped out of the bathroom into my bedroom. Eden,Jordan, and Julia screamed when they saw me. We were al in our beautiful prom dresses. I rolled my eyes and laughed softly at them.

"You already saw me in it once." I said.

"I know but... YOU JUST LOOK SO GORGEOUS!!!" Shouted Eden. I went to my mirror and looked up and down at myself. I could help it. I let out a scream.

"AAAAHHHH! I DO!!!" I shouted. The girls laughed and we all shared a happy group hug. We walked out to the living room where all the guys were. All of our parents were there... well except for mine. (That was a bad way to put it but I didn't know how else to say it.)

I looked to see Dan looking me up and down and smiling. I smiled brightly back at him. He walked up to my and took my hands into his. I had black gloves that went down to my elbow. He bent down and whispered in my ear.

"You look lovely Miss (L/N)." I could tell he was trying to an impression of Draco Malfoy. I smacked his arm playfully. We both laughed and he pecked me on the lips.

"Okay! Let's go outside to get pictures!" Shouted Mrs. Howell. We all cheered as we walked fastly out the door. There was a long black limo out in the driveway. We all lined up in front of it. Dan's arm wrapped around my waist while Julia got on the other side of me with Phil. Mr. Howell stood behind the camera.

"Everyone say prom!" He said.

"PROM!!!" Everyone yelled. There was a flash and than he stepped away from the camera.

"Awesome!" He said. We all went to see the picture. That was when I heard Dan talking.

"Hey guys! So... guess where I'm going?" I looked to see him holding out his camera in front of him. He looked back at me and wrapped around me.

"I am going to prom with this girl! There you go internet! Your ship came true!"

Wait what?"

"Oh people ship is now!" He said.

"Oh god." I said rolling my eyes and Dan laughed. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Okay guys. I'lll film some more later." He said and shut off his camera.

"Okay people! Let's go!" Shouted Kian. We cheered again and we all climbed in the limo. There were neon lights everywhere. And there was music playing. Dan pulled out his camera again. He filmed us all dancing to the music. We were all laughing as the car pulled out and drove us to Prom!

The limo came to a stop. The door opened and when I stepped out... everyone was staring at us. lol Jelous much. We wallked in. The hallway was decorating and the gym... it was awesome. Everyone was dancing. I looked around in amazment but I was soon snapped out of my thoughts whe Dan pulled me to the dance floor. They weren't playing anything slow. Everyone was moving around with the person they came with.

"I have never done this but..." That was when Dan suddenly broke into a serise of wierd dance moves. I started laughing hard at him.

"DAN WUT THE FRAK!" I yelled over the loud music. He didn't stop. I shrugged and joined him. We were being stared at but we didn't care. The song ended and we were laughing at each other. Just than I heard Jordan.

"Umm... (Y/N)?" I turned around. She looked nervous.

"Whats up." I said.

"Could I... maybe talk to you alone?"

"Uh... yeah sure." I followed her out into the hallway.

"Is everything all right?" I asked. She looked at the ground and I could see tears.

"Umm...well...some things happened." She said.

"What things?" I asked.

"Umm... me and Jeremy..."

"DID HE BREAK UP WITH YOU???!!!???!!!!"

"NO no. Okay fine. I'm... pregnant." My eyes went wide.

" Wow! That's awesome!" She looked up at me with wider eyes.

"That's not what my parents said." Just than we started laughing so loudly but that was when we heard.

"JORDAN!" It was Jeremy. Jordan turned around.

"JEREMY! How much did you hear?" She asked.

"Jordan why didn't you tell me?" (Me backing away slowly)

"I thought that... you would leave me... it always happens in the movies."

"Jordan...movies are stupid. You know I'm not like that. I love you to much."

"Aww! I love you too." She threw her arms around him. Wow... Okay Jordan. Before I could say anything else that was when I heard the other 2 girls behind me.

"OMG JORDAN!!!!" Shouted Eden and Julia. Okay this gettin to wierd I'm leavin. I went back into the gym and saw Dan. He smiled at me. I walked over to him.

"So... Jordan... is pregnant." He widened his eyes when I said this.

"Oh wow..." He said.

"Yeah." Just than... the same song that played at Dan's party started to play. Dan smirked at me.

"Wanna do it again?" He asked.

"Hashtag relive the moment." He laughed at this. He than grabbed my hand and we walked to the dance floor. Dan wrapped his arms around me. I swear that was the best feeling ever. I wrapped mine around him and layed my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes as we swayed once again. That was when he kissed me again. It was almost like the first one but even better. That was when all my bad memories died and all I could think of was Dan. Dan... my best friend... who I have been in love with... since we were 16.

Since we were 16  (Dan Howell x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now