The Talk

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"Rarity, can we have a little TALK?!" Said the cloaked figure as it pinned Rare to the wall with a knife. "Who are you you sick animal!" Cried Rare. Rare felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and fell to the cold, hard tile of her kitchen. The last thing she heard was, "I'm your worst nightmare..." She woke in a strange room. After further inspection, it was a room made of clouds. Rare wondered who or what this odd room belonged to. She looked all around, and saw nothing but darkness. "Wait, is that, RD!" Thought Rare. "Rainbow, would you please do me a kindness and tell me where I am." Her Rainbow 'friend' didn't respond. "Rainbow?" Asked Rare as she trotted closer. Then she saw it. The most disturbing thing in the world...

The Machine (a part horror, part life story, part humor, part awesome, and part MLP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now