Before you read on...

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Hi, I'm the author! Before you read on, I have a few messages for you,
Please leave a like and sub-wait, no, ugh, were are my notes?! Here they are, please rate and comment. Now I know I sound like EVERY writer on Wattpad but your comments and rates really give me the motivation to update faster, and actually write a SUBSTANTIAL chapter.(not like the previous two-page one) Thanks!😜
Crap! I forgot one more thing -
This story is meant to be a mystery, and a lot of times, two characters will say two different things, but if you paid close attention to the story, you'll know's telling the truth. Also, this book does ALOT of foreshadowing, there's already a butt load of in the story!

And remember: KEEP CALM AND READ ON!

The Machine (a part horror, part life story, part humor, part awesome, and part MLP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now