John and chainsaw (mini episode)

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Remi: guys I think John is about to commit mass murder.

Blyke: I saw walk out of the dorm with a rifle.

Isen: where did you get a rifle.

John: It was gift from an uncle.

John: he also gave me a grenades and a chainsaw

Arlo: wait that's what that sound is, you have a chainsaw???

John: so anyone got any info on these ****ers.

John: I really want to use the Chainsaw.

Elaine: John, your sick and need help.

John: maybe, but they're the ones who are gonna need a hospital.

Isen: John buddy why are you walking towards me with the chainsaw?

John: don't worry I won't cut to much off.

Remi: wait he's helping us find Sera why are trying to kill him????

John: he was playing angry pigs on his phone and drinking a Boba.

Isen: John, please spare me, take Blyke instead, no one loves anyway.

Blyke: wtf ????????!!!!!

John: isen just for that you get to live.

John: but start looking or else.

Arlo: I got Sera's location going there now.

John: where???

Arlo: no

John: why not my chainsaw is hungry.

Arlo: that's exactly why.

John: fine I'll find them myself.

Remi: I feel like John is using Sera as an excuse to kill.

John: of course not, Sera is just the bonus.

Remi: John who hurt you???

John: society

Remi: you want cuddles.

Isen: lol the second Sera's gone Remi is hitting on John.

John: I'll cuddle but I get to bring the chainsaw.


Illena: guys which one of you snitched

Forgetable character: that was me sorry, but in my defense Arlo was gonna tear my head off.

Illena: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuc! !!!

Sera: haha, you guys are so screwed now.

Illena: shut up

Sera: make me cutie.

Illena: Fak!!!!!

Sera: can't wait until you have to eat a chainsaw.

Forgetable character: wait what does the that mean?

One bitchy Arlo and Angry Joker later...

Arlo and John private chat.

Arlo: wtf John, we already got Sera out of there.

John: you have no proof I did anything.

Arlo: right like I'm gonna believe you of all people, that you didn't have to hospitalize them all.

John: don't worry I didn't use the Chainsaw.

John: I used the grenade.

Arlo: and Isen, I thought you said you were gonna spare him, now everyone is talking about some bitch in a mask.

John: I was until he told me that Boba was overrated.

Arlo: fuck you

John: fuck you

Arlo: fuck you

John: fuck you

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