explanations and hangovers

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Sera: ahhhh!!!!

Remi:mmmmm too loud

Remi: wait what am I laying on

John: kill me

Sera: John are you cheating on me with Remi???

John: how can I be cheating on you, we aren't dating.

John: and no, last night remi threw me like a rag doll then passed out on top of me with her ability still active, almost killing me.

Remi: damn, I used my ability while unconscious.

Remi: that's really...

John: don't you dare.

Remi: shocking :)))))

John: I've lost 30% of my attraction to you.

Sera: wait why am I wearing your clothing John?

Remi: I am too

Sera: John, did we-

John: definitely not...

John: you guys did this whole bit, where you dressed up as me and did impressions of me.

Remi: that's embarrassing, but at least no one will know.

John: I recorded it.

John: and now I have blackmail.

Remi: fwick.

John: you can't even swear, without sounding like a 2 year old

Remi: well your... um

John: I'm waiting

Remi: your a big meanie.

John: wow.

Remi: also, wait so we didn't do it.

John: oh you both tried.

John: in between sessions of singing
I want it that way.

John : you can't swear but you still have a dirty mind

John: you killed red and orange over there.

Remi: Oh that's fine.

Remi: I mean " oh no..."

Isen: john, is it over.

Isen: I can't feel my legs.

Blyke: I feel sick.

Blyke: Remi...

Remi: yea?

Blyke: will you go out with me, I love you and always have.

Remi: no

Blyke: ok I'm done with Remi

Blyke: hey Sera! !!

John: don't even think about it.

Blyke: I'm not scared of you.

Isen: good gawd Blyke, please just do what he says, for both of our sakes.

Blyke: why, he's JOHN

Isen: plezzzz

Blyke: fine, I'll go on this site then

Sera: anyone else think that's not gonna go well

John: probably gonna get catfished

Elaine: hdudbdvejdbdvehskwmsnx

Sera: Elaine you ok

John: she's fine, the witch is probably just casting some spell on herself so she can get with Arlo.

Remi: that's a little rude.

John: shut up pikachu, this time you will go in the ball

Arlo: So Elaine has the worst hangover ever.

John: why did you bring alcohol in the first place.

Arlo: I bring it every where

John: why!!!???

Arlo: I drink a lot at night to coup with stress

Arlo: why do you think I drink so much coffee everyday.

Remi: that actually makes a lot of sense.

Arlo: I'm constantly stressed some of it because I'm king but mostly because of... never mind

Sera: isen

Isen: already writing.

Arlo: ****!!!!

John: I thought I convinced remi to turn off the profanity filter

Sera: I turned it back on.

John: **** you, Sera

Sera: John, did I do something wrong

Remi: yea, you seem pretty mad at us today.

John: Really I wonder why.

Remi: you want a hug 🤗

John: no, cuz your a living tazer

Sera: what if we went to get Boba

Sera: would that make you feel better.

John: no

John: ...

John: maybe...

Ok so a lot of you are picking the John x remi x sera

So I'm bumping the deadline to the start of February I've already changed it in the last episode

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