Chapter eight

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Todoroki point of veiw ~ It was our first official week back from our two weeks off. Izu and I were talking with Uraraka, Iida, Momo and Asui. If I'm being honest I don't really like any of them except for Asui and maybe Iida. Iida is annoying but he is also a great friend so he's fifty fifty. Asui is pretty chill.

Momo is all right but I just wish she got over her crush on me already. Uraraka I don't like her because she has a crush on my boyfriends and I. And she visibly flirts with us as well. Even though my boyfriends are oblivious idiots to her attempts.

She just likes us because of our money if I'm being honest. When she is not acting like a gold digger she is a pretty decent person. But that is only ten percent of the time. The other ninety percent of the time she acts like a gold digger.

"So Todoroki-Kun and Deku-Kun there is a rumor going around that you guys spent your break with Kaminari is it true"Uraraka asked "yeah it's true we went skiing/snowboarding and swimming with Kaminari-Kun and his siblings it was really fun"Izu said

"Oh really what we're they like"Uraraka asked and I slightly glared at her what does she want with this information "well they were pretty nice and very over protective of Kaminari-Kun. They are also really rich as well"Izu said

"Rich"they asked "yeah we drove in an RV that have four bedrooms and five bathrooms along with a kitchen and a sitting area in it. Where we went skiing they had their own private suite at the hotel which had five bedrooms in it along with a living room and a private kitchen. It was the same for the beach as well"Izu explains

"How come Kaminari never told us that he was rich. I don't think we really know anything about him either"Uraraka said and my glare intensified she's up to something "you are right uraraka it could be potentially dangerous that we don't know anything about our own classmate"Iida said

"Do you know what his siblings jobs were"Momo asked "we learned what his in laws worked as. They work as doctors, lawyers and business man. But we didn't learn much about his siblings work as t. We just know they work for the same agency that works for the government"Izu said "interesting"Asui said

That last part was a lie. Izu told us that Kaminari's siblings were assassins. So Izu can lie if he wants too or if it's important good to know. Izu shot me a look that said don't trust them. Well I already don't trust them especially since they are trying to pry information out of us. But what is their goal. More importantly what is urarakas goal in getting information about Kaminari out of us.

What ever it is I have a feeling that we need to figure it out fast before it's to late. Another thing we need to figure out besides Kaminari. This is taking an interesting turn though. I wonder how everything will turn out in the end.

End of chapter

Who really is Denki Kaminari Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang