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A/N: So I was thinking... And I came up with this- and this is probably gonna be short but at the end of this guess who it is!


•°~°• Time skip •°~°•

Tommy's pov

Just got invited to a birthday party(Feeling good). No ordinary birthday party it was for none other than GeorgeNotFound! That is indeed my friend!

Well, I wasn't the only one but that's not important! On the way there now! And it turns out that it's at a park sorta.

Have arrived now and there was others there before me. I was slightly upset at this but I realized that they were his siblings and Dream with his siblings. Then I saw my best friend and his sister that was quite annoying, to be honest. I can't tell anyone I said that.

I went up to my best friend and talked with him about random things.

Hannah's pov (New pov?)

I'm surprised that Wastaken had felt/been in love with someone and the 2nd oldest hasn't! I must admit that I have a Cupid personality and it's really helpful in my opinion!

So I've decided to help Punz find his soulmate! I have this ability to tell who's soulmate is who's when they cross by each other. It's pretty good, but I've had difficulty finding Punz's soulmate.

I and Punz were walking around the paths at a park-like place that my brother was having a birthday party at. "I like, Dollhouse, Pity Party, k-12, mostly, and also, S.L.U.T. sorta, My R definitely, uhh... Oh! And 2 birds on a wire, hmmm..." I was telling Punz my favorite songs. "Seriously Hannah? You can't remember the rest? I can guarantee that they aren't that good." Punz sighed and rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Hey!" I pushed Punz playfully but didn't realize how hard I pushed him because he knocked/bumped into someone, "Oh shit-"

I didn't move for some reason. "I'm so sorry!" Punz apologized to the person. "It's fine!" They smiled and walked away. I looked at Punz and saw that he was staring at the person and my senses of soulmate found were going off.

I realized that his soulmate has now been found and he's in love with them! "Looks like someone is in love~" I teased him smirking. He looked down and held his chest where his heart is, "So this is love~?" He smiled while blushing slightly, "hmmm~ so this is love~?" I smiled at him and my success but it was just the beginning.

A/N: anyone wanna take a guess? I wanna know what you think!

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