chapter 8 the research on the villain and the capture of them

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                        Nezu pov

I was in my office looking through the paperwork. Until Hawks came in with a camera and put it down on my desk. "Can you give me the info on this boy." Hawk said. I raised my eyebrows, but did as he said. After I was done watching the video. I looked at the boy closely and realized he was the Fallen Angel. The Most Wanted villain and vigilante out there. In all of his files I have of him,there isn't much. The only things in it are kill reports. But nothing of his past, no name, no identity. He was a ghost upon our systems.His hair color limits down all of our suspects. But not by much. Then I got an idea to put him in the villain rehab along with his friends, He usually goes out with. It was the best idea I ever had. He has great potential of being the best hero out there. I also can see it that Hawk has a fascination with him. "I am going to assemble a meeting. You are a part of it too." Nezu said. Hawk nodded and left.

                   2 hours later

Allmight,Endeavor, Hawks and other Heroes came to the meeting. I will be a part of capturing the villain Fallen Angel and his friends. " why should those villains be in UA." Endeavor said "Well why I want the Fallen Angel and his friends to be in UA is because they have great potential of being the best Heroes. They're just kids.  All of his kids are from abusers and murderers and fake Heroes. Who kill people with a reason." Nezu said " I think that would be a good idea. We do not want them to be our enemies. We want them to be our friends and comrades. Allmight said this meeting is adjourned. I want you all to find a way to capture them without harming them."Nezu said

                     Hawks pov
After the meeting was adjourned I left to my apartment to think of a way to get my pretty bird. I grabbed his file along with his friends files. I've stopped looking through the files. Because the best way to catch a bird is by a trap. Since he has wings they are one of the most valuable parts of his body. We need to stop him from flying. I start to think more and more about the plan. If  I'd only known it would take two years for the plan to go smoothly.

                   Next day

We are in another meeting about how we are going to capture the Fallen Angel and his friends. Endeavor is going to be on the team to recover Fallen Angel his friends. I started to get worried because he is not a gentle man. He does not care who he hurts in the process of saving someone. The only thing I'm hoping he doesn't do is hurt the Fallen Angel. We discussed the plan but we need to lure his friends into a trap. "Why don't I go undercover as one of the league of villains members?" Hawk said"That is a good idea we will be able to get information on their locations and what they're planning" Nezu said. We started to talk more and more about the plan in progress but the only problem is, I need to find a league of villains member to  help me join in the plan. We talked about and somehow we got in contact with Dabi. He will be helping me to join the League of villains. In 2 days from now I'll be meeting the league of villains.

                      2 days later

Curly right now it's midnight I put black paint on my wings. Then a portal came out of nowhere. 4 people came out. Shigaraki, Toga ,Dabi and the Fallen Angel." You guys can clearly see that hawks right or am I the only smart one of this entire group. Izuku said. ' Well at least he isn't stupid.' Hawk thought."Yes we know that Hawks and he will be joining the league of villains. And you are not going to argue with that. He has a reasonable back story.  He was forced to be a hero. Tonight we are going on a hunting trip" shigaraki said, Fallen angel looks dumbfounded." What a hunting trip. You know those are my favorite and you are going to invite the bird brain  with us. He's going to mess up everything!!" Izuku shouted at shigaraki."I know you don't want to come with us but we need to test his abilities in the Darkness."Shigaraki said " Okay let's just get this over with." Izuku said

                3 hours later

I was in the league of villains base. I am covered in cuts scratches and bruises. The so called hunt is when the Fallen Angel is hunting you down. Congrats! You survived Fallen Angel. You are a part of the league of villains now.  We have our full trust in you that you will not betray us. Because if you do fallen angel will come after you and rip your head off. Shigaraki said. I had a sweat drop on my forehead for this remark. For the next two years has been like this. Us going on missions together and having so much fun. I realize they aren't that bad. They are just  misunderstood. They are all good kids but have a terrible past that leads them down this path. But when I learned of Fallen Angels past AKA Allmights son Izuku, that went missing years ago. And when he told me of his children and what Endeavor did. I was angry at him for what he did to the children. Then when he had to let his other children go. I felt so sorry for him, after he was done explaining all about his past. I can't help but feel like I had to Comfort him. I quickly hugged him tightly. "I am so sorry for what endeavor did  to you and your children. And I'm sorry I was not there to help. I can tell that your children will be proud of you. You go out every night and save lives" Hawks said. Izuku hugged back. Everyday I think I'm getting closer to him. Before I knew it, two years happens. The league trusts me alone with izuku. 

     Today's the day they will.       execute the plan

                      3rd pov
Currently right now we see shigaraki,toga,Dabi and izuku running as fast as they can. "How did they know we're going to be here there's no way they should have known." Said shigaraki. "I have no clue but I am suspecting that Hawks told them."Dabi said, speaking of hawks where is he? That double-crosser, bastard, idiot betrayed us!! Izuku said. They ran into an alley way. Then a net came out of nowhere and captured shigaraki,toga and Dabi. But izuku was able to fly away. Then gas start to fill the alleyway. Knocking out his friends. Izuku knows who this is the R-rated hero. Izuku flew down making sure he held his breath. To not pass out like his friends. Then he uses Wings to push the gas back. He grabbed his friends that are still in the net, and he flew up in the air. Then in mid-flight something punched him in the back. That made him let go of his friends. But luckily they fell on a roof close by so they aren't hurt. But he was not so lucky the punch was so strong that sent him through three buildings. Breaking two ribs and one of his wings. The one who punched him was Endeavor. A fireball is coming his way but he moved in time not to be hit by it. He is using some of his healing to repair himself. He healed his broken wing. Because they are the most valuable parts of his body. He flew to the roof where his friends were.  Out of no where he was punched in the face by Eraserhead. The punch was so strong that it broke his mask, so you can only see his left eye. He had an Emerald eye with a split down the middle like a cat. The punch cause izukus nose to bleed. "Ahh you bastard!!!" Izuku. Then he ran at Eraserhead kicking him. That sent the hero through six buildings,  knocking him out. Then he was back on the Run trying to get his friends. A punch was delivered, right in the side, breaking three ribs. He coughed up some blood from the punch. The one who punches izuku was Almight. He flew up in the air trying to get some distance from the hero. Then out of nowhere a fireball came. But the fireball broke one of his wings. Now he is falling through the air not able to fly away. He was close to the ground and Hawks came and swooped him up, saving him from the fall. Izuku right now is in a daze from the blood loss. "You damn bastard." Izuku said in a weak voice. Then he passed out from the blood loss.

                      Hawk pov

Right now I'm flying as fast as I can to make it to the place where we're going to capture the villains. I am very worried because how Endeavor is. He is probably beating the crap out of them. When I finally got there I saw a izuku flying in the air and got hit by a fireball, making him fall. I flew faster than I ever have before to catch him. I made it in time to catch him "you damn bastard." Izuku said a weak voice. Then passed out in my arms. I flew as quickly as I can to UA Hospital. When I finally got there I called the recovery girl to heal him.

                     2 hours later

I finally was allowed to come into the room. Recovery girl was able to heal as broken wing and his rips. I was relieved and asked her if I could go by him? She said it was okay. They went over by him. I felt my heart race and my cheeks warmed up. He looked like an angel. His lips with pink and Plum. Silence is worth it. Everything about his face, a woman will just kill to have his face. I couldn't resist so I kissed him. And now I know I truly love this pretty bird.


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