Suzuki Uzumaki

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Family: Naruto (brother) Minato (dad/dead)
Kushina (mom/dead)

Gender: female

Itachi (when they were younger)
Kakashi (when he was 20-24)

Birthday: October 10

Backstory:she was abused and and raped multiple times they did on purpose so that she gets traumatized and she is still traumatized about having sex. The only thing she can really do is kiss. When she found out about the wolf she decided to keep it a secret but, they still kept treating her like an animal

Likes:singing, dancing, reading, training and Tora

Dislikes:Naruto, Billboard brow, being ignored and Tora

Fear:falling in love and being touched

Chakra Nature :ice,wind and water

Facts:Suzuki is a Jinchūriki she has a wolf inside of her. The wolfs name is Tora



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Birthday:April 20

Backstory:when Tora was just a little cub she would run around and play but one day this guy caged her for years. He would torture her as she got older her hatred for humans grew and grew. Then the first hokage came and sealed her inside someone but, her hatred is still there

Likes:blood, being free and Suzuki

Dislikes:Suzuki and humans


Facts: when you become friends with Tora something happens. If the jinchūriki dies, Tora gives her life to save them

Word count: 240

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