The Date With The Devil

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): if you don't believe me then why have I stopped bleeding

Mr. Jules: she's right boss! She's not bleeding anymore

(R/DH): what! *checks on where they stabbed (Y/n)* what is this heresy!?

(Y/n): not heresy Demon Hunter just vengeance

After (Y/n) finished talking her body erupts with Hellfire to reveal her Rider self then grabs the handle of the blade and rips it out her chest

(Y/n): much better, now then *faces the Demon Hunters* burn

As (Y/n) said that Hellfire shot out of her hands incinerating the mob except for Jules

(Y/n): done, now gotta go found Lucy

Mr. Jules: um thank you for not burning me

(Y/n): if I killed you, your wife and daughter would question about where you are, so get going

Mr. Jules: again thanks for sparing me *Jules leaves the shopping center*

With Jules leaving the area (Y/n) goes and find Lucifer but gets jumped by more hunters, so (Y/n) brings out her shotgun and she starts blasting anything that is in her way, then suddenly two crossbow bolts lodge themselves in (Y/n)'s sockets as four more lodge themselves in place two in each shoulder and two in the knees

(Y/n): *faces the crossbow users* I see


Before could finish their command, they were sliced in half by (Y/n)'s chain as archers are also sliced up by the chain, then after melting all the bolts (Y/n) finally gets to Lucifer only to find her sitting down as Demon Hunter bodies are scattered across the floor

Lucifer: finally you made it!

(Y/n): *reverts back to normal* yeah yeah whatever, just be glad I didn't die while I tried to find you

Lucifer: well your alive and fine

(Y/n): oh how loving of you, also what did you do to those Demon Hunters you had to face

Lucifer: nothing special, I just turned their blood into vinegar

(Y/n): ok, you still want to go shopping?

Lucifer: these Hunters ruined my mood for shopping

(Y/n): of course you would

Lucifer: oh don't give me that, it was your idea to come into a hunter infested city

(Y/n): don't get salty with me Lucy, you wanted to spend time with me

Lucifer: because I am your wife! And you barely bat an eyelid my way unless it scolding me!!

(Y/n): do you have any idea how hard it is to make sure everyone is happy both emotionally and sexually!?!? No you don't, it's extremely hard!!

As (Y/n) and Lucifer continue to argue they both fail to notice the hellfire vortex opening a few metres away from the two and out steps the original Ghost Rider

Johnny: well I walked in on something I probably shouldn't have

(Y/n): *turns and faces Johnny and stands in front of Lucifer* what do you want Blaze!

Johnny: woah! Ok calm down (L/n), I'm not here to hurt you

(Y/n): you said that last time then you true to strip me of my powers

Johnny: hey water under the bridge

(Y/n): *sighs* why are you here?

Johnny: I don't exactly know myself, I was doing stunts over the Grand Canyon then I ended up here

The Rider's Harem (Futa Reader x Helltaker)Where stories live. Discover now