He burned it away magically, sending it to the Compound, hoping someone would see it.
"What now?"she asked, gripping her head.
"We need to resurrect, our dear mother. And here I was hoping that today would at least turn out to be good."he grumbled, as they took the highway leading to New Orleans.
"How will we raise Esther from the dead? We'll actually need something to start on with."she said voicing their next worry.
"When Esther first died Nik kept her ashes. Believe it or not, my brother is actually sentimental. We just need a small bit of resurrection spell."he said, glancing at her thinking how to approach a certain topic.
"That's dark magic I thought,"said Elena.
"Yes. And it will be me doing the magic darling. A little dabbing into such things does wonders."he chuckled failing to make her crack even a small smile.
They had been driving for almost two hours now.
"Assuming the worst case scenario, I think we should go straight to the Compound."said Kol as they entered the New Orleans boundary.
"And get the ashes."concluded Elena.
It took them no time to reach the Compound where everyone was gathered looking all angry.
"What the bloody hell happened now?"said Kol as they just noticed Dahlia standing on the side.
"Aunt. I don't really fancy seeing you here,"he nodded in her direction as her eyes glimmered at the sight of the two them.
Did she knew already that they had figured it out?
"Go back to your little toys Kol."blistered Klaus looking murderous as he turned his attention to his elder brother.
"Toys hmm. Perhaps I should work on something stronger than gold dagger, this time,"he chuckled.
Elena felt a sense of calmness wash over her as she felt a warm hand on the small of her back.
"This was nothing, but child's play. Just a silly attempt by little Freya to beat the wretched auntie."she smiled.
"What were you two up to? Found new way perhaps hmm?"she asked, a beat later.
"Nothing. Just looking for a way to beat the wretched auntie. Your words, not mine."he said, raising his hands in surrender before pulling her a bit closer.
"You know what to do Niklaus."she said directing her attention towards his elder brother as he nodded with a wild grin and the duo walked out of the place.
"Who the bloody hell is that?"said Kol looking at the charred body on the ground, as he sped towards the room Klaus used as one of his offices.
"Gia. Klaus compelled her to take off her daylight ring."said Freya, rising from the ground.
"Sorry for your little girlfriend brother. She was a bit melodramatic to be honest, you'll get over it."he shouted from the room where they could her the clanging and sounds of various things.
"And where were you might I ask? Both of you."said Elijah laying a piece of cloth over the burnt body as Kol reappeared holding a white urn.
"Saving the day. This would have never worked. We got the ingredients wrong. It was never dear Freya who wronged the old bat."said Kol, rushing off to bring his grimoire.
"It was mother."sighed Elijah looking at the urn.
"Hello Rebekah. Nice to see the you you."grinned Kol from stairs as they watched the Original sister enter the Compound. In her own body this time.
"What happened?"asked Elena, as she shrugged looking at the mayhem in the surroundings.
"Long story. Let me guess, Nik. Was it? What did I miss?"she said as Elijah picked up the urn.
"On the contrary sister, the party is just about to get started."grinned Kol as they all speeded towards the cemetery.
"It is a precarious situation we are dealing with, Kol. Might want to tone down your glee."said Elijah tersely, fingering his collar.
"We'll get you a new girlfriend, don't fret."chuckled Kol, as Elijah's anger simmered on the surface.
"Your hand, love,"he prompted, as Elena placed her right hand in his outstretched palm.
"I thought it was a Claire witch's blood sealing your playhouse."commented Rebekah looking at his actions.
"Yeah. Well, my playhouse my rules Bex. And the regent was starting to get on my nerves."he shrugged, smearing the blood on the sealed door as he cleaned away any remnant blood carefully.
"Soooo. What is the deal with you two now?"asked Rebekah, looking curiously at the two of them.
"We might get back together."
They both spoke at the same time.
"Righty right."smirked Rebekah, as Elena flustered.
"He's just being his usual arse self."
"She's just embarrassed."
"Oh god. It's like Mystic Falls over again. Unicorns and rainbows, I think I might get sick."said Rebekah rolling her eyes, as Elijah interrupted.
"Can we get on with the task at hand please, ladies and Kol?"
"Right on, dear brother. We have a niece to protect, an aunt to kill, a mother to resurrect. And kill her too, hopefully. And a brother to, well, we'll worry about that bastard in all due time."said Kol as he emptied a sack of what appeared to be soil into a tub as they all walked around the cavernous structure.
"Now as I say the resurrection spell, which is a powerfully dark magic, I want you to-"
"Why me?"said Elena startled.
"Because I'm going to be channelling your powers. And you need to practice. It's a small spell. You'll be fine."he assured her.
"It's not me that I am worried about. What if I manage to screw it up?"she said, folding her hands.
"That's true you know. Now is not really a good time for Experiment 101."quipped Rebekah.
"Not now, dear sister."ground Kol.
"You just need to keep the connection between us stable enough. Just focus on the words, you don't have to say them out loud."he assured her again.
"Or we can have Freya do it."said Elijah.
"Freya is doing a boundary spell as we speak, which has to be strong enough to contain the power of two 1000 year old witches and the Originals. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't disturb that task."said Kol.
"It's a very simple spell, darling. I know you can do it."said Kol, as she looked him in the eye.
"You do?"she asked, not finding any misleading emotions in his dark brown eye. Just faith and support.
"I do, love."he reassured.
"What's the spell?"she asked as he placed the grimoire in front of her.
He started preparing other things for the resurrection as she went through the lines under her breath, with him correcting her every now and then.
Idiots!! Thought Rebekah.
These two were skirting around each other, which was if not annoying, sad to watch.
At least back in Mystic Falls, they went behind everyone when they were seeing each other.
"I'm ready."said Elena, looking up from the book as Kol's eyes twinkled in her direction.
"Very well,"he said, forwarding out his palm as she picked up the sharp dagger this time.
Starting to chant the words in her mind, she created a gash in his left palm as she did the same in her right one.
As she proceeded, she could feel the same simmering feeling beneath her skin, she felt yesterday.
Except, now it felt magnified by almost a 100 times.
Clasping their hands tightly, Kol started with his own spell as Elijah poured the contents of the urn to the tub.
It was almost five minutes later, when she felt almost drained, did he stop, as they opened their eyes.
"Did that work?"commented Rebekah, staring at the pile of soil and ash, still looking the same as Elena almost sagged under her own weight, feeling light on her feet.
"Hold on there, love."said Kol, balancing her against his chest as they all looked at the tub.
"I don't think we-"she started saying, just as a hand shot out from the depths of the dirt.
A small, feminine hand, and Esther rose from the soil coughing out soil and ash.
"What have you done?"she gasped looking at the lot as Elijah dropped a pile of clothes beside her on the floor.
"I do believe we need to brief you about the situation,"he sighed as Kol turned his attention back to the little vampire leaning against him now.
"Let's get you back to the house,"he suggested, giving a nod to his elder siblings. They could handle it here.
It took them a bit more time than usual but they reached the Compound nonetheless where Freya was making the boundary spell.
"What happened?"she asked, looking at Elena's slouched figure on the chair as he sped towards the kitchen.
"We were doing a spell. It drained her a bit,"he said, handing Elena a glass of blood as he looked at the watch.
"Nik will be here in some time now. How's the boundary spell going?"he asked, looking at his sister.
"It's strong enough, to hold her."she sighed as Elena spoke.
"Unless Dahlia has something up her sleeve again."
"She won't,"said a voice from the doorway.
It was Klaus.
"Where's Hope?"asked Freya.
"Safe and sound. So if you're planning on using my daughter as a bait again, I suggest you improvise, sister."said Klaus, before turning to the two.
"And where were you two?"he asked.
"You see, being the protector of my child I don't see you doing much. And as for you Kol, your dagger did wonders I noticed."
"You must have. Seeing as you were unconscious,"said Kol, his voice cocky.
"I'll deal with you after I'm-"started Klaus as Elena interrupted.
"Enough already."
"Where's Hayley?"she asked turning to Klaus, who at least had the dignity to look guilty.
"We need not look at your acting abilities, Nik. You're terrible at it. Where's the mother of your child?"he asked.
"Well, if you all really want to know then do know that whoever who dares to betray me, may refer to this as the perfect example. No one escapes me. Not even the woman who gave birth to my daughter."he started haughtily.
"What did you do?"asked Freya, looking at him.
"You see the Crescent pack along with Hayley shared with her the ability of turning themselves at their will. I might have tweaked the magic at bit,"said Klaus grinning, with the slightest hint of remorse at his actions.
"What is that supposed to mean?"asked Freya, assuming the worst of his actions.
"I placed them under the same curse again,"he answered as she heard Kol curse under his breath.
"The pack would be subjected to their animal form all the time, except full moons."he shrugged as Elena closed her fingers in a fist.
"You truly are a monster, aren't you?"she chuckled.
"Tell me something I don't know, Elena."whispered Klaus.
"No Nik. We'll leave that to your daughter. Let her be the judge of her father,"said Elijah, from the doorway, where he stood along with Rebekah and Esther.
"She's the mother of your child. How exactly do you expect for Hope to grow up without one?"said Elena, as Klaus's eyes glimmered at that.
"She has me. She doesn't need anyone,"he shot back as Rebekah scoffed.
"Oh yes. You and your innumerable enemies you have gained all these years Nik."
"We'll look for Hayley's solution soon. But for now, can we focus on our current situation people?"called out Elijah, as the shackles in his hands clinked.
"Sorry for that mother,"called out Kol.
"Gotta be careful around you, specially when you have a habit of body jumping."
" Ah, Mother. I've arrived just in time for another one of your deaths, and as much as I appreciate the front-row seat, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone the festivities."chimed Klaus as Elijah grew enraged at his apparent high spirits.
"Is that what it's called?"replied Elijah, unamused at this.
"Why not? My plan's worked perfectly."said Klaus.
"Is that we are calling it now?"said Elijah, lunging for his throat as Klaus dodged him just in time.
"Easy, Elijah-- I can see your red door swinging wide open, but our job's not yet done."said Klaus stopping him, before he could attack him once again.
"So, we kill her and be done with it."shrugged Rebekah.
"To be clear, I do want her blood, but I want it on this blade," started Klaus holding up a silver dagger, as everyone sighed at his start of drama, though not entirely surprised.
"Which I've had bound with the soil from Dahlia's homeland, not to mention Viking ash. Mother's demise will have to wait. You see, I need her to weaken Dahlia's defenses." he said speeding up to Esther before whispering threateningly.
"Bit of psychological warfare before I slaughter the both of you."
"And you expect me to walk to my death willingly, Niklaus?" said his mother as it was Rebekah who answered this time. "Yes, dear Mother, you do not have a choice. Then again, why should you be any different from the rest of us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik's end-of-days marionette show. He forces every move we make." her voice tired and of course, angry. "And how long are you gonna stand there and pretend you don't need me to? Each one of you have fought me at every turn, leaving me no choice but to act alone! We're no strangers to disagreements on the battlefield, but we also have a very long history of doing whatever it takes to win the war."
"What of Gia?" said Elijah looking livid as Klaus faltered at this.
It took a moment for Klaus to recover from the onslaught of emotions as he spoke again.
"Collateral damage."
This time none of them saw it coming as Elijah punched him square on the face, shocking everyone, even Klaus.
"We done?" said Freya looking at the duo as she looked up at the rising moon.
"It will be a full moon in some time, she'll probably come then."she continued and picked up the knife that had fallen out of Klaus's hands seconds back.
"This is all for Hope. No matter what, we must keep our differences aside, until then."said Freya, handling him the knife.
"Very well, sister. Time is of essence."said Klaus, giving her a smile, and pocketed the knife.
"Dear Freya, since you are the only one with the magical, tingle connection with our aunt. You lure her in, hold her long until then we come along with mother and finish them off to the netherlands. Simple, people? Till then, dear doppelgänger, why don't you look after Hope-"
"Shouldn't I be here in case you guys need a hand?"she protested as others spoke up this time.
"He's right you know? You should be with Hope."said Rebekah, drinking a blood bag.
"Yeah. But she's with Camille and Vincent. I'm sure she'll be fine."she said, as Kol came over.
"You can't be there. There might other forces be present too, we can't have other people too knowing that Hope has the doppelgänger vampire as her guardian angel, love, hmm."he said, lightly pulling her towards the main gate.
"But you can't know that for certain? What if something happens then-"
"Then you'll be here, taking care of her in our absence, darling. The little girl needs to know how devilishly handsome her uncle was, doesn't she?"he chuckled, as he held her hands together tightly in one, muffling her mouth closed with the other hand.
"You talk as if you're walking to death."she fumed in a muffled voice, as he let out a laugh.
"Accute, but I don't think today is one of those days, love. But it doesn't hurt to be prepared right?"he said removing his hsnd away from her, as she felt something cold on her wrist.
"Tell me you didn't just do that,"said Elena, feeling a thunderous beat in her heart, as Kol, tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Just be my good girl and listen to me, for today?"he pleaded looking her in the eye as she stared right back at him, fuming at his choice of words and his actions.
"It won't stop me from hating you,"she spit out.
"Hate me all you want, but for now you're going to go to Camille's to Hope, and tell our beautiful niece how uncle Kol has so much better dressing style than uncle Elijah."
Breathing deeply, giving him a pure look of loathing, and one last look at the Compound, Elena sped towards the Rousseau's, with the bracelet of Obedience hanging like a weight on her wrist.
"As much as wonderful your development is in the teenage drama, I think Elijah still dresses better,"sniped Rebekah as Kol, brought a hand to his chest.
"And here I thought I was your favorite, Bex."pouted Kol, feeling betrayed.
"You do have the better hair though, and Nik is, as usual, the uncouth savage."she replied as Klaus bristled.
"If we are done with the social commentary for the day, we have things to do. The moon will reach its apex soon."said Klaus, looking at them unimpressed as they all felt a shift in the air. Like something had moved.
She had found Freya.

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