Chapter 1

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Well, it started as a normal day. I was teaching kids about types of views in a story, and it was 5 minutes until lunch. The class is chaotic right about then. They get louder, rowdier, and overall worse before lunch. No matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't be quiet for the life of me. Well, they left me no choice. I had to put on the detention shoe covers, and slowly began walking towards the middle of the room. My shoes clicked loudly on the linoleum. The room quieted quickly. They recognized the sound. I reached my destination, and pulled out the most dreaded thing a child has ever seen. A pink pad. "I hate to do this, but-" before I could finish my sentence, a sharp RING split the silence. Exactly 2 seconds later, the room was empty, and I just stood there holding a pink pad. "Saved by the bell." I thought. "How lucky can you get?" as though she was summoned, in walked Piper, the history teacher. Alot of boys drool over her, and I am not one of them. I might have a tiny crush on her though. Well, she's cute. She has the prettiest brown hair, and eyes the color of sea glass, when the sun shines on it. "Did you have to use the shoe covers again?" she asked, glancing at my feet. "Yes, but I was too late. They left." I agreed. It was always a pain, considering it happens every day.

"Why don't you tell sergeant pepper? I'm sure he'll understand." she said. We busted out laughing. That was hilarious. He was not very understanding at all, in any way. As though he was summoned, Pepper walked through the door. I used the term walked loosely. It was more like he was squeezing through. It took him 5 minutes. He dropped a huge stack of papers on my desk. "Sort these!" he barked. I sighed. "Aren't these the papers you were told to sort?"I remembered a man coming by with a stack of papers very similar to it. "You'll sort them, or you won't get paid this month!" now, before you start thinking he's a bruise in the bottom, give him a chance. Some people say he's actually been friendly. One person even says he laughed once, but that might have been a very bad sneeze. Anyways, I had no choice. "According to state law, you must pay in a steady interval, and at a steady cost. Thus forth, you must pay. Furthermore, you can not force me to sort your papers." 

I don't think Pepper liked that. "Sort them."  he growled, "or you'll lose your job faster than you can say sorry." he squeezed out of the door. I had no choice, he had the power to fire me, and I didn't want to be fired. I sighed, and I walked into the teachers lounge, saving the work for later. The teachers lounge was the only room Pepper couldn't enter. Only one other person was in there, and it was Derek. He teaches math, and is ridiculously smart. "Visit from the salt?" he asked. He calls our principal the salt. No need to explain. "Yep. he wanted me to sort some of his papers."

"If Piper was there, she'd be here in" after he said one, Piper entered the door, the sound of yelling behind her. "You may want to apologize. He's pretty mad." I sighed loudly. "Do I have to?" Suddenly, the yelling was cut off, replaced by choking. I rushed out of the room to find the principal on the ground, his face purple. He looked like he was trying to cough something up. Due to the fact that I'm a teacher, we're all trained in the heimlich maneuver, so I positioned myself behind him and began doing it. After two tries, he coughed something up. A piece of chicken. When his face got back to normal, he glared at me and stalked away.

Teaching: a collection of short stories.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum