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Engrossed in the music blasting over his earphones, Pran didn't hear the door closing the small shuffling of feet closing in on him. Tapping his pen on his blueprint, he hummed along with the song playing till he was slightly shocked when a pair of strong, muscular arms threw themselves around his shoulders. A small nose nudge was then pressed to the nape of his neck and the ever familiar feeling of the other inhaling deeply soon followed.

Pran frowned, pulling his earphones and quickly putting them away. The other boy wasn't supposed to come over that night. So why was he here and stuck to his back? Patting Pat's arms gently, he tilted his head slightly to the side to try to get a look at his sulky boyfriend.

"What's wrong? I thought you were staying over at home tonight?" He asked softly while kneading the arms that held him.

He didn't get any words in return, only a small shake of the head that shook him lightly along with it. Sighing, he slowly struggled to stand up despite the giant koala bear clinging onto him from behind. When he finally managed to stand upright, he tugged on the other's arms just enough to spin himself around to give Pat a proper hug in return. A tiny sniffle escaped Pat and Pran quickly patted his back.

"What's gotten to my boyfriend with the fierce eyes?" He asked jokingly, as he skimmed his own lips across Pat's neck, smirking a little when he felt light shivers.

"Nothing.." Pat's voice trailed off, becoming impossibly small.

Ah. Had something gone wrong? Pa had texted him a few days ago, apologising that she needed to steal his boyfriend away for the night as she 'needed her brother's support'. So when Pat had come to apologise that he would not be coming over for the night, Pran had not been surprised.

"Mmm, how was it? Did it go well?" Pran asked, a little worried.

"Everything went well. In fact, it was perfect." Pat replied sulkily.

And there the crux of the problem was. It seemed like his boyfriend was in one of those moods again.

It was strange really, how he had always been the one who was more insecure in their relationship but from the point they had decided to return to an underground relationship, Pat was the one who felt the impact most. It wasn't that it didn't affect Pran, but he was fine either way, as long as he got to be with Pat.

But Pat, Pat was a person who always lived his truth. Suppression wasn't a word in his dictionary. Pran knew too well how his boyfriend yearned to always hold his hand when they were out in public, to drop light kisses as and when he damn well pleased or to simply pull him into a hug because he missed him.

Pran placed gentle caresses on his boyfriend's back as he waited in silence patiently for his boyfriend to continue talking.

"I just wished.. I was wishing I could bring you home like that the whole time. It's unfair." Pat grumbled, tightening his hold on him.

Pran smiled, pulling away from the other to wipe at the tears that were rolling down the other's cheeks.

"I know, I wish I could too. But we need time for that to happen. And so do our parents." He coaxed, rubbing Pat's cheeks lovingly. "But until then, I'm right where I want to be next to you."

"Why are you always so confident about this?" Pat looked at his boyfriend in wonder. Where had the insecure Pran gone?

"Because I'm with you," Pran hummed simply, dropping a large smacking kiss on the other's cheeks. "Besides, I'm confident that my mother's love for me will outweigh her hatred for your father. Eventually at least. Then you can go ahead and charm her."

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