26. Muzan

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Shinrin pulled herself out of the rubble, flick her shoulder around a knew arm shotting out ''I like this'' She giggled seeing Tanjirou facing down Muzan. She coughed a little with a giggle ''The last moon breather and the last sun breather, finishing what our anstece started... Muzan take a good look around! This is where you'll die by our hands!!'' 

Muzan had a sudden flash of the past ''You really did incarcerate... Chikyū'' Shinrin's smile grew ''Finally realised, Muha?'' 

''Muha!'' Chikyū treated at the door ''Father is not in today, but he'll be back in an hour or so. Would you like so tea!?'' Muzan posing as a human to this weak child smile down at her. He had short black hair, deep pink eyes that held beauty to Chikyū

''I'll join you for tea'' Chikyū around the age of 9 took his hand ''Come on! Brother has just been born! Mother is resting so it'll just be you and me Muha!'' Muzan hated the nickname, she gave him ''What have a said about the nick--'' '"yes! This is brother! You want to hold him!'' 

Tanjirou moved, using the first form, then the next. Shinrin moved in 'full circle. That's what uncle Yoriichi stood me' It was hard to keep up with them, but Kane knew Shinrn protect Tanjirou from the heavier attacks, mostly moving against the nine arms, while Tanjirou aimed for everything else

''Tanjirou!'' One had slipped through her defence, cutting up Tanjirou chest, nearly killing him if he didn't jump away ''Caw Fifty-nine minutes until dawn!!'' ''Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit... Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail...'' ''Clear Blue Sky... Raging Sun... Burning Bones, Summer Sun... Setting Sun Transformation... Solar Heat Haze... Beneficent Radiance'' ''Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths... Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves'' ''Raging Sun... Burning Bones, Summer Sun... Setting Sun Transformation... Solar Heat Haze... Beneficent Radiance'' 

In circles, they went, every corner they hit ''Arg!'' ''Tanjirou! Shit!'' Shinrin was pushed back ''Why won't you die!'' ''Iguro?! Iguro your eyes! all because you protect me!''

''Wrong! They got injured a while ago. You never shut up about other people'' Iguro dodge next couple attacks keeping up in the air ''Iguro I'll back you up and fight!'' ''My right eyes was already weak before, and I was more or less bling in it. I have no need for your assistance. I have Kaburamaru with me

''Kaburamaru. Are you fine now? I'm letting you go'' ''okay!'' ''He's coming!'' Shinrin coached holding the wound in her stomach. She knew she would recover but it was only natural for a new demon, human instinct

Tanjioru and Iguro joined attacks. Shinrin bit her lip letting go of her stomach seeing the scar Yoriichi told her about ''The weak points... Ahah! I'll finally kill you Muha!'' She was fully invested with him letting Iguro recover Tanjirou picking up the papers. Muzan didn't want Iguro to have full sight and block Iguro and Tanjirou away from each other

''Iguro! Jump three long strides to the right! Get them Kaburamaru!'' Shinrin tackle Muzan to the floor ''You're not running away!'' She cut four times into the scars hitting the marks. Muzan flang her off

Coughing Shinrin pulled herself off the dead bodies of the demon slayers ''Keep going!'' She snapped at herself 'It's getting harder to regenerate. I can't get close to Muzan again. I have to eat...' Shinrin looked down at the bodies 

''Their already dead... I have to get stronger'' she took up an arm, munching on it with tears pouring down her face ''I'm sorry. I'm so sorry'' After three arms she up and moving again ''Thirty-five minutes until dawn!'' 

Shinrin was next to Tanjirou throw her own attack at Muzan ''Muzan's splitting apart! He's going to break himself into tinny pieces so he can escape!!''

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