1. Three Boys And A Demon

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I slammed my thirst down on the wood door "yes?'' An old lady opened the door "I am a demon slayer, I need to stay for the night. If it is fine'' Her grey eyes glanced my body up and down. They stuck to my green case, the silver lining of my sword shining in the sun. Blood covered the blade, hot and red

"I see, please come in'' "Thank you'' I closed the door after me, walking in. I was given fresh clothes when the door opened again "Is the food ready-- Huh?'' "Huh?'' The three boys stare blankly at me, with fresh clothes in their arms

"I thought it would be wise for you commanders to sleep all together'' she bowed before leaving "But, I don't even know these men...'' I muttered "Hello! I'm Tanjirou Kamado'' The boy had pink eyes, with a dark scar above his forehead, the dark red hair he had, covered most of it "This is--''

"I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma~ What is your name'' I reached for my sword when Zenitsu came closer "You have no need to know'' The old woman with a man's help brought in food "Here is your meal''

"She had to be a monster, Tanjirou! That old lady's a monster! She a monster!'' Tanjirou hit Zenitsu. They gather in a circle to eat together, even when I tried to leave Tanjirou greeted me over, I couldn't say no to such a cute face

The boar boy removed his boar head, to revile touch a beautiful face that he ricked by stuffing his face full without using his chopsticks "Use your chopsticks'' He then stone Tanjirou food chucking. I moved my blow away "If you're that hungry Inosuke you have this bowl too'' Tanjirou held his blow up 'oh how cute'

The boy shouted in angry "Here'' "No! I refuse!'' a creak of a box, brought my eyes over to Tanjirou's box, handing wounding to my sword. But I didn't act, I couldn't bring myself to fight just yet, my wound stung too much

The woman brought us to another room, where four beds were laid out "What is your name, miss?'' Tanjirou asked "You don't need to now'' Tanjirou sighed. Inosuke drove into one bed "I"m taking this one! First come, first served''

"That's fine. Sleep wherever you want. Which one do you want Zenitsu, miss?'' "UH!!'' Zenitsu was taken out by Inosuke pillow. When Zenitsu got back up he took the far bed from Inosuke. I took the bed between Inosuke and Tanjirou in case Zenitsu tried anything

"Here is the doctor'' "Hello. Please let me have a look at your chest's'' I took a deep breath removing my kimono, cursing with the blood on the inside "Oh dear me, it seems you got the worst of your friends'' "Damn demons, I tell you'' I chuckled when he stitched me up, feeling my chest like the other boys

''Well you see, it's severe. You all need to rest'' he left. Me and the boys tuck into bed "Who would've guessed that all four of us had broken ribs?'' "I wasn't even in your fight, and I got 3 broken ones'' Zenitsu got 2 ribs broken, Inosuke 4, and Tanjirou with 3 like me

"This bump hurts more than my ribs'' "Sorry'' "Hey, you'd better apologize. It really hurt, you know. getting pounded to a pulp like that. You sorry?'' Zenitsu asked "Don't really'' "Say you're sorry!!''

"Why are you guys so loud?'' I asked pulling the blanket over my head. They didn't need to shout at each other "According to the crow. This house with the wisteria family crest belongs to a family that was once rescued by Demon Slayers. That's why they take care of Demon Slayers free of charge. Still, I didn't think they'll show us this much hospitality''

"Pays to be with the Demon Slayer Corps huh?'' "Now that you mention it, Inosuke, why did you join the corps?'' "Huh?'' "You had some kind of reason, didn't you?'' I pounded my head back on the pillow 'just go to sleep. Why do they keep talking''

''-And hey, so you and I both grew up in the mountains, huh?'' Tanjirou smiled "Don't lump me in with you!'' "I should be saying that about you...'' I muttered into the pillow about Inosuke "What you say!!?''

"Can't you guys just go to sleep?'' I muttered again, feeling him kick me "Miss, know can I know your name?'' Tanjirou asked yet again. I sat up, looking toward the box "You'll know my name when I know why there is a demon in that box''

"I've been meaning that also... Why are you travelling with one?'' Tanjirou was silent before sitting up himself "Zenitsu, you knew and yet you still protected the box. You really are a great guy, you know that? Thank you''

Zenitsu flapping around on the bed, giggling "I've got a keen sense of smell, I knew from the start, you are a kind person, Zenitsu. Stronge too'' "No, I'm not stronger. I haven't forgiven you for stopping me from bringing Shoichi along''

I grabbed onto my sword, standing up when the box door open "Miss it's alright, you don't need to worry'' Zenitsu screamed hiding behind me "It's not even locked!!'' "Shh'' "Someone protect me!! Even you'll do, Inosuke!'' "Stay away from me!!'' Inosuke kicked Zenitsu over to the box.

A small came out first "It's out! I gotta hide!'' I didn't waver as a small girl came out. Bright pink, black hair and a small bow holding back her fringe "Hey Nezuko'' Her body grew. She was very cute with the bamboo in her mouth

"Zenitsu, Miss. Nezuko is my--'' "Tanjirou...'' The air around him changed "Zenitsu?'' "Just who do you think you are? So, you're been travelling with a girl this cute. With a girl this cute in tow, you're been travelling in pure bliss day after day, huh?''

"Zenitsu, it's not like--'' "Give me back all the blood I shed!'' I sighed moving back to my bed. Falling asleep with my sword in hand, next to the snoring pig. My sleep was all I can is 'peaceful' next to three snoring boys and a demon girl

In the morning I clawed under my cover's when the sun hit my face "Miss, it's time to wake up. Breakfast is nearly ready. And the old lady must take away the bedding'' I didn't bother to open my eyes, rolling out of the covers, kicking them away staying asleep sword tight in hand

"Say Miss you never told us you're named after finding out about Nezuko'' "Shinrin...'' I sat up looking towards the box "Who is she?'' "My sister... She was turned when our family was attacked. I'm trying to find a cure to save her''

"She doesn't feast?'' "No. She sleeps to gain her energy. One time she slept for two years'' I stood up, walking around the box "She's cute, but is still a demon none the less'' "Wait Shinirn!!'' Tanjirou called when I pulled my green Nichirin sword out.

"You can't!!'' "She's a demon! I know she's your sister but if my brother was turned I would do that same as I know!'' My sword was drawn to Tanjirou, if I just nip his cheek and arm, he should be fine. I twist my blade to the blunt end, ready to hit him. But he was too close, over my head. I couldn't dodge. Blood ran out of my nose when his forehead met my own. I landed on the floor with a thud

Inosuke and Zenitsu running in "What happened!?'' "He head butts everyone he meets, huh?'' I rolled myself over, gripping my nose "Nezuko doesn't eat humans! Please trust me Shinrin'' I scoffed "I'll talk your word for it... I don't want another one of those headbutts''

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