12. Entertainment District (Part 2)

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Tengen walked out, with his hair down, mark-up whipped off and normal clothes that exposed his chest. Inosuke fought Tanjirou off as he tried to put him in a kimono. Zenitsu sat on his knees in front of Shinrin getting his mark down and hair pulled back

"He looks nothing like a girl!'' Tengen with his large hand pushed Shinrin's head away, picking up the paintbrush "No! You'll reach it if you paint his whole face!! Arg!'' Shinrin couldn't fight him off, as he painted his face fully white, with bright red lips and pink cheeks, thick bold eyebrows "Oh my god... My work!'' 

Shinrin plain to just cover their eyes with a light colour and highlight their cheekbones and nose, but Tengen grabbed the boy to paint their face in an awful way. And tried their hair back in pony tails and pig tails ''Why did you do that! It looks like you've just picked them off the seat!'' "Oh, you shut up and come here! You've need's to be done!''

''No way in hell!! You have three beautiful wives and yet you don't know how to put makeup on! AHHH!'' Shinrin was pinned down. Her beast almost coming out of the slit in her dress, as she was bent over his knee, as he tried to put more makeup on

"Stop wigging around!'' "I'll scream this house down if you touch my makeup!!'' Zenitsu only watched. Tanjirou finally got the kimono on Inosuke and was now tieing his hair back. Tengen gave up when she kneed him too close to the rolay jules

"Any questions?'' Tengen asked as they got to the door "Does this dress make me look fat?'' Inosuke asked. Tanjirou smacked him across the head ''What was that for!'' "'Shut up!'' SHinrin snapped through her sleeve "It is time to blend in, not stand out''

"With you looking like that, we do'' Tengen hissed at her looks. She had her freshly cut hair out over her shoulders, a bubble of red eye shadow on her eyelids with black shading. Her dress also relieved her chest a lot, her black firing sharing her curves a lot more

"What jealous that I can pull off the open chest?'' ''You are so annoying'' Tengen's hair clipped around his face, creating a much more handsome man "But I have to say, you look better like that'' "Huh? Are you saying I wasn't good looking before'' "I was and wasn't'' 

Tanjirou coughed, as a man dressed in thin robes walked up to them, grabbing Shinrin hand "What a fine woman. How much'' Tengen smiled "huh?'' "How much for the night'' 

"I'm no whore'' Shinrin hissed through her clenched teeth "You're dressed like one'' "And you're dressed a fat pig. Goodbye sir'' Tengen took Shinrin waist before she tried to leave ''She's my wife'' The man in white slink looked the fake couple up and down "My apgollies...'' The man kept away, watching them

Tengen leads them away. Zenitsu was walking in front of Tengen as Shinrin kept Inosuke and Tanjirou at arms reach ''Awh!!'' Zneitsu screamed making the group stop ''I'm a guy you know'' Tengen chuckled leaning down. Shinrin, Inosuke, and Tanjirou heads fell to the side, with a shocked face "Ohh'' Shinrin muttered. Zenitsu hands were on his ass looking up at Tengen, the redness in his checks shown through the white paint "It doesn't matter'' 

Shinrin turned right around, bringing the other boy's with her "Hey, hey! Guys!'' Zneitsu called popping under Shinrin arm trying protect himself

At the Tokito House, there were a man and woman sitting with workers behind them. They groaned looking the body up and down "my, my... Now these three are certainly quite homey girls, aren't they'' The man rubbed his eyes nearly fainting

"No, I don't think we can'' "Isn't there any way you can reconsider? Under your training, Madam, I'm sure they'd turn into diamonds'' Tengen kept Shinrin behind him. He wanted her in the Kyogoku House with Hinatsuru "I'm sorry, but...'' The woman check blushed looking at Tengen

''Well, I guess taking in one wouldn't be a problem'' ''Then, please take one. Sorry to impose, Madam'' "Then, I think we'll take the one in the middle! She looks very obedient'' "I promise to work as hard as I can!'' After Tanjirou was taken. Tengen lead them off

"You guys are beyond hopless!'' Shinrin walked on the other side of Tengen as he muttered down at Inosuke and Zenitsu "I can barely give you away!'' "I'm not talking to you, all right?'' Zenitsu growled taking a big breathe in 

"Are you incensed because I made you disguise yourself as a girl? You said you'd do anything I asked'' "Inosuke?'' SHinrin looked around for the boy finding him standing off form them "Hey! Over there! A bunch of people are swarming around!'' Zenitsu and Inosuke took off. Tengen and Shinrin took a while to come over feeling the silk man's eyes on them

"You should cover more'' Tengen's finger ghosted her chest as he closed them up ''Why'' "Becuase I said'' SHinrined didn't see the serval other pairs of eyes behind him. Tengen grew nerous for her "Fine'' 

As they walked over, a woman every slowly made her way down the street "Oh, that's a procession of Courtesans. That's tokito house's Koinatsu Oiran. The hightest-ranking Courtesan is going off to meet her client. How flashsy is that?'' Shinrin jumped under Tengen chest quickly, getting away form the shadow hand

"Wife? Is she your wife, by any chance?'' Zenitsu snapped with tears before Tengen could confront the man "Is that knockout your wife? That's too much! You've got three of them! Are they all beautiful like her?''

''She's not my wife!'' "She walks so slow. She'd get killed in second in the moutnains'' Shinrin was than caught off guard as a woman shoot toward them with Inosuke in her grasp "Hey, mister. I'll be taking this girl back to my house'' She eyes than landed on Shinrin as she stood up taller

"If that is all right'' "hey, so you're form...'' ''The Ogimoto House chaperone'' Tengen clapped his hands together "If she's caught the eye of the Ogimoto House, I couldn't be more thankful. But what king of stroke of luck is this?''

''Oh please. I have a sure eye for these things'' Her eyes looked down to Shinrin under his arm. She didn't say much, leading Inosuke away "Take care of yourself, Inoko!'' Tengen and SHinrin then looked down at Zenitsu, how looked up at them planning, before it hit him. His eyes sparked looking at Inosuke walking away. Shinrin chuckled when his face paled more than the paint he wore. He let out quiet squechs of air shocked

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