11. Entertainment District Part 1

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"He's gigantic. So? Where are we going, old man?'' Inosuke asked. Tanjirou blushed looking over to Shinrin. Her body had fined over the last 4 mouths, so much that Tanjirou final looked her way, but could only find lust and a other mans scent on her

"The number one spot in Japan that's dripping with lust and desire. A super-flashy place. The Entertainment District where demons reside'' ''Entertainment District'' "You know, that thing! Know what I mean? The place where... Huh? You don't get it?'' Inosuke and Tanjirou stared at him plainy

"Listen up! I am god. You four are--'' "Three'' "Shut up! All trash! That's the first thing you need to pound into your heads! Drive it in! You're to turn into dogs if I tell you to! Turn into monkeys if I say so! Hunch over and rub your hands together, constantly pander to me every whim and suck up to me with every fibre of your being! And let me repeat! I am a god!'' Shinrin sighed. He had given her the same into to himself

Tanjirou hand shot up ''What are you the god of, specifically?'' "Good question! You have potential. The god of flashiness, I'm the god of Festivals'' Shinrin could almost see the sparkles coming off him

"I'm the King of the Mountains! Nice to meet you God of Festivals!'' Inosuke placed his hands on his hips matching his engry ''What are you talking about? You sure are creepy!'' Tengen asked "Huh? what did you say?'' Tanjirou held Inosuke back "Back off Inosuke!''

"Let's go already'' Shinrin muttered walking away "So, there's no time to fool around'' Tengen took off past Shinrin leaving the boys in the dust "Come on, you three!!''

They run and run, reaching a village. They grabbed cart and men to hallow them "Hey you come with me!'' Tengen grabbed Shinrin from under her armpits, lifting her onto his cart "But--'' "I want to talk to you'' His hot breath tickled her ear. Shinrin shook her head thinking of Sanemi. Tengen and her cart stared behind the boys one

"And and Shinazugawa huh?'' "Fuck you'' Tengen gulped 'No wonder Shinazugawa had fallen for such a weak looking girl. She such pretty voice, with the eyes that planned to kill you' "Ok, okay. I'll leave it be'' He leant in a little more. Feeling her small shoulders tighten. Shinrin reminded him of his wives. All there of them. Suma soft hair. Hinatsuru kissable neck and Makio sharp mouth. But what they didn't have was cold skin. Her skin was like ice because of her breaths. Shinrin felt the air change as he leant down. She smacks his hands off her waist "I'm not your hands off''

"Are you Shinazugawa's?'' Shinrin scoffed ''He's more mine than me, his'' "Cooky are we?'' "I'm the one how made the first move, so yes I can be cooky'' Shinrin crossed her arms over, leaning back on him

"I saw that, but it looked to me he had everything under his control'' Shinrin thought back. Her head shoots up, clipping his chin "He did not!'' Inosuke glanced back from his cart, watching her grab Tengen uniform

"against a tree? You moaned out, as he took off your top. I think he had everything in his grasp'' Her knuckles turned white with angry "Mine no bottom! I'll show him!''

After they got to the safe haven, Shinrin let her hair fall. As the boys eat, she bushed out her hair. She never had it down, missing her split ends "I need a cut'' She muttered getting a blow, to catch the hair

"Now listen up. When you've infiltrated the Entertainment District, first look for my bride. I'll be digging for information on the demons, as well'' Tengen sat watching the young boy's eat "This is outrageous!''

"Huh?'' "I'll thank you not to mess with us! How dare you use your subordinates to personally find a bride for yourself!'' Zenitsu slapped the floor shouting "Huh? How did you get that idea?''

''Nope! I'm going to have my say!'' "Zenitsu!'' Tanjirou held onto him "I'm sure that a screwed-up oddball like you has no luck with the ladies! However! Even so! Just because you want a wife, that's no reason to use Demon Slayers like us!''

''Are you an idiot? I'm talking about a wife who's infiltrated the Entertainment District and is hard at work gathering intel on the demons! I've stopped receiving regular check-ins, so I'm going too, all right?''

It was silent, making Shinrin look back in wonder "I suppose that's what you fantasize'' Zneitsu muttered with a blank face "You damn punk!'' Tegen through the letter at the boys. She sighed going back to cutting her fuzzed ends. If she was going to get in she has to look good. No more dead hair

"These are the letters sent via the Kasugai crow'' ''There's quite a lot of them. Has she been undercover for a long time'' "Well, I do have three of them, wives'' "Three of them... Wives? T-three? Why you! Why would you have three of them?'' Tegen punched Zenitsu right in the gut knocking him out

"You've got a problem with that?'' He asked the other boys, as they looked away "Um, in the letters, they keep reminding you not to stand out when you come'' "That's what I told you, remember?''

"So, what are we going to do, exactly?'' "well, of course, disguise yourselves. As much as I hate it, in a drab way. All three of my wives are brilliant ninjas. Kunoichi. I was sure that this district would be the perfect place for the demons, but when I went in as a customer, I couldn't get anything on them. So I sent them in to get closer than a customer ever could. Since I've already narrowed down the likeliest houses to three, you four will search for my wives there and gather information. Suma of the Tokito House, Makio of the Ogimoto house, and Hinastsuru of the Kyogoku House'' Tegen explained

"Your wives must be dead, don't you think?'' Inosuke was then knocked out with a swift punch "Padon me. I have brought you the items you asked for'' "Thanks''

"Tanjirou'' Shinrin called bushing out her hair "Yes, Shinrin?'' "Can you tell me if this is straight'' Tanjirou went to take up the small knife she was using, but Tengen got there before him "little touches'' Tengen glared down at Tanjirou waving him off with a growl. Tanjirou pulled Zenitsu and Inosuke into the other room, looking through the box full of makeup

''I asked about you at the Shinazugawa household--'' "Again with him? Do you like him or something'' Shinrin asked "I do not! But you should know what the maids said'' Shinrin rolled her eyes "What those old women say''

''They warned me off you're rage. You bottle up your emotions, until you bust... So I was thinking'' "Oh you can do that?'' Tengen arms snaked from her back around her waist, reaching her pants belt "You'll half through you high when I came. He left in the night, leaving you unsatisfied''

''Fuck you. I'm fine'' Tengen didn't let her leave the floor "Are you really?'' Tengen blow a hot breath on her neck "Women need to be eased out of their high. If they're no easier out, they'll become angry, sensitive'' His hand slipped down at pants, feeling her wetness through her panties

"ahh--'' She covered her mouth, her other hand grabbed his through her pants. He circled his fingers around, playing "S-stop'' Tengen chuckled seeing her swirled around "If you want'' Tengen let her go, ghosting her goosebumps before he lent back on his elbows. She sat in the middle of his legs shaving

'so easy' Shinrin turned face blushing "Hmm?'' Shinrin turned away, grabbing his knee. Tengen watched her hand move of his knee, down his thief "Touch me...'' "But you're Shinazugawa'' "I didn't say I'll be thinking of you'' Tengen sat back up, her hand touching his parts. She blushed, he was much larger than Sanemi

Tengen slipped his hand under her pants and panties. Shinrin leant back, thinking of Sanmei scars and tone stomach. Tengen thought of his wives and their large breast as he rubbed and groped hers through her top

After a few moan slips, they'll both relive "Ah ha'' Shinrin took heavily breathes taking her hand away from his wet pants. Tengen did the same, whipping her juice off on her "If you tell Snamei, I'll tell you're wives about me and you slapping that girls ass'' Tengen hands shot up ''not a world'' "Not even a drunken world. I know you men like to catch up'' Tengen shook his head "Lips are sild''

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