It was good that she had an exhaustingly long day, otherwise her mind wouldn't shut up and let her sleep for a minute.

She wanted to tell Wanda about the second almost-kiss with James, but decided not to, knowing she would probably made a fuss.

James on the other hand was so caught up in his thought, reminding himself how soft the slight, ghosting touch of her lips felt, that he spent another night with barely 2 hours of sleep.

He didn't mind it though. Selene keeping his mind occupied was one of the things he thrived on.

He was more than happy that - due to Selenes help - his case has now turned 180, sure to win it. The trial is tomorrow and he just feels it in his guts that it's going to be a very smooth ride. He was contemplating rather or not Selenes attentive mind deserved a raise for this or any other kind of gratification.

But sooner than later, his mind also wandered to the now two almost-kisses.

For a second he worried that maybe fate is playing a part in this, telling them that they should not do it, considering the frequent interruptions. But he quickly threw this thought overboard, deciding that he's going to be the one who's taking fate in his own hands.

Well, fate still seemed to be against them, despite James brave conclusion.


Of course, James won the Smiths case without batting an eye. The facts were fatal and the adversary had no chance of getting out of his child-support-payments now.

The Smiths were incredibly thankful, as they have lost their hope already. And seeing his client with her son on her arms leaving that court with a smile on her face felt amazing.

The only thing bugging him about the whole case was one thing: He only got the chance to hug Selene as celebration and to say thank you.

Right the second he leaned in, trying to kiss her once more, wanting to show her just how thankful he was, Sam barged into his office and interrupted them.

Highly disappointed, Selene left his office with the words „I'll have to go back to work anyway, Sir" and that little ‚Sir' got him riled up for the rest of the day.

The second he finished his last appointment for the day, he hurried down the hall into Selenes office, but she was gone already.

And rest of the week went down pretty similar. Both of them were highly caught up in their own workload, Selene also in practice for fridays banquet, both barely able to speak a whole sentence a day with the other.

James was at the verge of loosing his mind around midday on Thursday. Selene wore a very short, red skirt that day that made his thoughts go places. By the time he finished everything that was on his plate that dat, she was already gone. Selene had to leave earlier that day to attend the dress rehearsal at her studio.

Resulting in James Chair flying through the office and a very frustrated groan from the man himself.

That night, James laid in his bed, observing the clock on the wall, hoping it would magically go faster. He couldn't wait for Friday evening to finally come. He knew he would just have to wait for Selene and her dance-group to finish their performance and he could finally have so time with his Doll.

Much to his delight, Friday actually came. He highly was busy at the location the banquet was hold for the majority of the day, organizing everything that needed fixing or a touch-up to be up to pair for the guest arrival. But eventually he finished everything with the help of Sam, caterers and the manager.

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 • 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora