Maniac: Oh fuck no!

Purple: You know her!

Maniac: I wish I didn't.

Y/n pats Maniac's arm.

Maniac: Monika.

Monika gives a sinister smile.

Free: Who is she?

Maniac: A pain in the ass. 

Monika: Here's  Monika's writing tip of the day! A death scene should be dramatic, if you want it to mean something!

Maniac: I don't want to deal with this bullshit! You're enough of a pain in the ass in you're own timeline! But now you are a time demon!

Monika: Oh Maniac, don't you remember ME specifically?

Maniac had a realization.

Maniac: Oh shit.

Free: Maniac, did you pull a me?

Purple: No. He didn't leave for three hours after saying he'll be back in a minute.

Free: No! The other way of pulling a me!

Maniac: No! I didn't get stuck in a giant sandwich!


Maniac: NO!  I ended up in a Doki Doki timeline. Apparently, there wasn't the usual main character.  So this crazy bitch started following me around. I forgot that she's the main antagonist. 

Monika: I'm right here you know.

Maniac: Doesn't stop the truth!

Y/n tries to process all this information. His brain virtually explodes. He stands there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

Free: Y/n! Snap out of it.

Free begins to shake Y/n. Free delivers a light slap to Y/n who doesn't respond.

Maniac: I got this! *pulls out candy bar* It's his favorite.

Maniac opens the candy and Y/n's smells it. It snaps him out of his trance. He snatches the bar and begins to eat it.

Monika: *sigh* I liked it better when it was just you, Maniac.

Maniac: Normally I travel with my team. It's a package deal.

Monika: Well either way, I'm still angry about you abandoning me.

Maniac: I fucking died! What did you want me to do?!

Monika: I know you purposely died!

Maniac: Well...maybe! But still!

Purple: I vote, that we let Maniac deal with this by himself.

Free: Me too. He wouldn't help me of a crazy ex came after me.

Maniac: First off, she's not my ex. Second off, fuck you both!  

Y/n decides to side with Free and Purple.

Maniac: Y/n, you too?! Oh man.

Monika: All you're friends are leaving you to you're own devices Maniac. Proves how much they value you. 

Purple: It's not that we don't value him. He tells us to deal with our own actions.

Free: Now it's his turn to see how it feels.

Y/n slightly nods.

Maniac: Damnit. Okay Monika, what do you want in exchange for me not having to deal with this bullshit? 

Monika: You know exactly what I want.

Free laughs.

Free: You did this to yourself. You shouldn't complain, after all. You don't really even have a track record with women.

Maniac: Free! Come here you little shit!

Maniac grabs Free and gives him a hard noogie.

Monika: So is that a yes.

Maniac: Yeah, whatever. *realization* What did I just agree to?

Purple: You let you're anger get to you again.

Maniac: I really did. 

Y/n pats Maniac and points to Free.

Maniac: You're right. It's Free's fault.

Maniac body slams Free.  Y/n sighs in disappointment.

Monika: See you soon, darling.

They get teleported back to  where they just were.

Purple: If I'm being honest. I would have expected her to go after Free.

Free: Me too. I'm proud of you, Maniac.

Maniac: Guys. She's a time demon.

Free: And the only girl to ever ask you out.

Maniac: I don't think committing murder counts. And threatening to basically eat my soul if I say no.

Free: Well...progress?

Maniac: *sigh* Progress.

Y/n chuckles. This is the weirdness that Y/n has grown used to.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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