Spencer mutters something under her breath and I just grab my phone without passing comment. What can I say, she does have a point. We do make a fuss out of everything.

We assemble by the front patio and as I lock the door, Spencer swoons over the little breakfast area. She literally made us eat there and turned on the fairy lights under broad daylight. Her phone must be overloaded with all the pictures she took.

We walk out into the meadow-like area between the two houses and appreciate the silence that comes with it by staying as quiet as possible. There is something very soothing about being silent with nature and absorbing the beauty that city life has totally destroyed. I remember searching for weirdly shaped pebbles with my cousins when they'd force me out of the pool and drag me along with them for a mission to collect natural souvenirs. My mom would then be pissed at the young kids drenched with mud ruining the polished flooring of the beach house. I still have those pebbles, dad stored them in glass containers and put them next to the showpieces in the living room. I must show them to April and Spencer. They'll love it.

"This is it, right?" April asks and I groan in the affirmative. Spencer looks at me and I'm sure that we are reflecting each others' expressions right now. It feels like I'm staring into a mirror, but the reflection has pink hair and is wearing a pink top. She really looks like the human equivalent of bubblegum and is somehow pulling it off really well.

With a scary grin on her face, April marches forward as if on a secret mission to spread her joy. She might as well be promoting a toothpaste brand or something. We follow the leader without making a fuss, forming a triangle in the process with April at the head. The giant beach house in front of us screams an insane amount of money and I immediately start squirming. What if the people/person on the other side of the door end(s) up being some egoistic monkey(s) from the Richie Rich universe...?

I swallow audibly as April rings the doorbell. Before anything can happen, I dunk and hide behind Spencer and pretend to shield myself from whatever is to come. I don't care if I'm overreacting, I just prefer staying in my own bubble.

The door opens and April shoots her brightest HI ever. However, this is where things get super interesting.

I know that the woman had an intense hello speech planned in her head and had taught Spencer to nod along with a smile, so when she suddenly chokes on her own words and is unable to say anything at all, I take a little peek at the both of them, who have suddenly become suspiciously still.

Okay seriously, what the hell?

I take a step around them and come face-to-face with the cause of their sudden dumbfounded situation.

I shouldn't have done that. I repeat, I shouldn't have done that.

Because I am staring at a face that is too familiar to me, with all the hidden posters resting under my bed back home. I am staring at the joyous, beautiful, shy yet grinning bunny face of Julian freaking Johansson - the main vocalist of EuphoNia.

I call it second love at the millionth sight. I did not know it was possible.

"Hi, there! Can I help you with anything?" He asks in an angel's voice and I sense two internal emotional meltdowns right next to me. I can't add to it, things will go out of hand. So I suck it up, take the salad bowl from April's frozen hands and uncharacteristically smile the biggest smile of my entire life. I didn't know my face could actually do that.

"Hey! We just wanted to drop by and say hello as we'll be staying next door for a couple of weeks. Here." I push the bowl in his direction and he looks at it like an adorable, innocent kid. "Please don't mind my friends, they didn't know they'd be knocking at the front door of their favourite band." He bursts into the best shy chuckle ever and my heart melts. I fight every nerve cell in my body that is making my sanity twitch. It's like fighting a strong itch in that part of your foot that is buried inside knee-length boots.

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