Five Camels

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                                                                             Back At Evelyn's Cabin

Evelyn had just gotten dressed in a simple black nightgown to sleep in. She walked over to a mirror on the wall and let her long brown hair down. She sighed, feeling her headache from how long she had it up in a tight ponytail. Evy shook her head to loosen her curls and let them fall over her shoulders. Soon as she turned around she was met with a man dressed in black. It was the Medjai that had the hook for a hand! He looked at her menacingly and pointed the hook at her ready to strike.

"Where is the map!?" he asked and all Evy could do was stutter in fear and look at the sharp hook in front of her and back at the scary-looking man. She backed up slightly but he followed. She gazed at the table to see the map was where she left it. Sitting there face open near a flickering candle. She looked back at her attacker who looked to be growing impatient with her. "And the key. Where is the key?" he asked, Evy looked confused at the question. She had no key, only the map. With a small shake of her head she replied "key? What key?" she was terrified when the hooked man simply grinned. "I'll just have to find it myself," he said and swung his hook back ready to slash her to pieces. Evy gasped and ran back to try to get away from him.

And just like that, there was a bang and the door to Evy's room was kicked open! It was Rick. Holding a gun in each hand, he was about to shoot the guy but then Hook grabbed Evy to use her as a shield. Putting his hook on her neck. Evy cried out in shock and fear. "This is a friend of yours?" He asked her and she scoffed "Not now mister O'Connell, help me!" she said and the guy held her tighter, she winced. It then happened all so quickly. The window shatters and another Madjai busts in with guns, shooting blindly in the room. Rick doges and nearly misses being hit by a bullet that lodged into the wall near him. He fired his guns back and killed the Madjai. There is a lantern in the room that gets hit in the crossfire splashing kerosene on the wall. With just a small spark it burst into wild flames. It distracts Hook, giving enough time for Evelyn to grab the candle on the table and jab it into his eye. He screamed in pain, letting her go. Rick was fast and grabbed her, getting her out of the flaming room. They cross paths with Rosie as she was just about to see if her sister was ok, hearing the gunshots from her own room. "What's going on are you ok!?" she asked and checked Evy for any cuts or injuries. Evy ignored her and pushed Rick's hand off her so they could stop walking. "The map! We left the map!" Rick rolled his eyes and grabbed her again by the waist like she weighed nothing but air. "Relax, I'm the map. It's up in my brain, remember?" she smacked his arms and he let her go. "Oh well that's comforting, and don't grab me like that again!" she said and glared at him. Rosie looked lost and then saw the flames wrapping around the hallway. "Look there are some guys looking for us, they tried to kill us in Evy's room, we gotta go" Rick explained. She had her own gun in her hand and made sure to stay on alert.

Meanwhile back in Evelyn's room, Hook was still alive, holding his injured face and struggling to get to the door. He notices the key on the floor. With a grin, he bends down to pick it up. And that is when the door is suddenly kicked open again, hitting him square on the ass. He fell forwards into the flames. None other than our precious golden boy Johnathan poked his head in looking around, seeing nothing but flames and unaware of the man he pushed into the fire. "Evy!?" he yelled, looking for his baby sister, but then saw the small key/box on the floor. He went to grab it but was beaten to it by a burnt hand. "Hey, that's mine--oh!" It was Hook! It was like nothing would kill this guy. His backside was now on fire. He lifted his pistol that he somehow still had on his person and pointed it at Johnathan. Jonathan backpedaled as Hook opened fire on him. All the while Evy, Rick, and Rosie were near the horse stalls. Another Medjai started firing at them and almost hit Evy. Rosie raised her gun and shot at him. Then an idea popped into her brilliant mind. She shot the padlock on the stables and then shot another bullet in the air. The horses were scared and crashed into the door, bursting it open and stampeded towards the enemy! He cried out as he was trampled. Rick looked impressed and Evy just looked grossed out at the sight.

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