Departing On a Journey

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          The next day was filled with Evy fussing about the deal they had made with mister O'Connell. Rosie felt like she was going to go insane if she had to hear another word about him. She carried her suitcase and bag filled with things they would need for the desert. She wore a different outfit that gave a lot of stares since it wasn't what a woman would normally wear. She wore a pair of tan pants with a simple green button-down shirt with the sleeve rolled up to her elbows and brown work boots that reached her calves. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. This was her normal attire when she went out in the field. Of course, she liked dresses but she often preferred to have a pair of pants to wear when working. None of her siblings made a fuss about it, once Evy had in the past when Rosie first started working and it ended in a huge argument that Johnathan preferred to have stayed out of. Why should others fuss about what women wear? It was a subject Rosie felt strongly about and also the topic of women's rights in general.

          With each look she got from others passing by she simply ignored it. As they got to their destination Evy spoke up again about her worries, "Do you really think that he will show up Rosie?" she asked and looked at her, Rosie sighed and nodded "yes sis, he will". Jonathan patted her shoulder "Don't worry Eves I know the breed! Cowboys don't go back on their word" he said confidently. "Personally I think he is filthy, rude and a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit". Evy huffed in anger, still a bit miffed about that kiss. "We don't have to like him, we just need to work with him to get to the destination. And plus if he tries anything you have me so don't worry". Rosie said and smiled at her sister. Evy smiled back agreeing and then her expressions changed looking at someone behind her sister. "Is that guy anyone I know?" The familiar voice made Rosie cringe, realizing she messed up. She turned around and her jaw dropped slightly at the huge change in Rick's appearance. He was now clean and had a fresh haircut and shaved that long beard off. He looked nice. But what shocked her the most was she finally recognized him. "Well shit.." she blurted out and almost dropped the bag in her hand. Rick helped her out and grabbed the bag. "Here let me take that," he said and she let him take it, not really knowing what to say. Evy on the other hand looked pleased with what she was seeing. 

           "Oh um...hello uh" she looked dazed at the hunk in front of her. Rosie stepped to the side and Johnathan clapped, trying to be friendly with him. "Ha! Smashing day for an adventure, eh, O'connell?" he smiled and held out a hand for Rick to shake. It wasn't taken and Rick made sure to check his pockets. "Uh yeah sure Nathan" He replied, Jonathan pulled his hand back awkwardly and mumbled "It's Johnathan actually old chap" Rick nodded "Johnathan got it". Rick relaxed when he found his wallet intact. Evy and Rosie watched the whole thing. Evy stepped up to talk, "Mister O'Connell, can you look me in the eye, and guarantee me this is not some sort of flimflam? Because if it is I'm warning you --" she was cut off by Rick stepping closer, invading her space and Rosie tensed a bit not liking how close he got to her, ready to step in. Evy held up a hand to say it was ok. Rosie still was ready. "All I can tell you, miss, is that my Colonel found that map in an ancient fortress and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya, and into Egypt to find that city. Like I told ya, all I saw was sand. Everybody else was wiped out by Tuareg warriors. I'll take your bags." he took Evy's bags along with Rosies. Leaving Johnathan to carry his own. 

             He left the trio, walking up the gangplank to the boat. Evy looked star-struck and her eyes followed him until he was out of sight. She was clearly smitten with him. Rosie on the other hand was cursing at herself. How could she have not noticed who he was!? Jonathan saw the two very different reactions his sisters had. "Yes, Yes, you're right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel, nothing to like at all" he teased and grinned at his siblings. Earning a smack from Rosie. "Hey ow!" he rubbed his arm. Suddenly the Warden came brushing past them, fixing his hat on his head and carrying his bags. "A bright good morning to you all!" he said and tipped his hat. "Oh no no what are you doing here?" Evy asked and looked disappointed to see him. The warden started to walk up the gangplank to get on the boat and he called back at them "I am here to protect my investment thank you very much!" and with that, he was on the boat ready to join them on their adventure to Hamunaptra. Rosie and her siblings shared a look and then she shrugged and headed to the boat with them in tow. "This is going to be eventful" she muttered.

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