Kakashi was about to press him again when a knock on his office door interrupted him, "come in."

The door creaked opened, followed by Shizune peeking her head inside, "I'm sorry, is this a bad time? I have a few last-minute mission requests that just—"

"Yes! Come in, let me see!" Naruto jumped towards Shizune before she could even finish her sentence. However, just as he was about the reach her, a cloud of smoke appeared over his head, followed by several dogs in shinobi gear falling on top of him and pinning him to the ground.


"Down Naruto," Kakashi separated his hands and sat back down, "you'll get to them AFTER I have seen and approved them myself. You may be the Hero of the Shinobi world, but I am still the Hokage of this village, and as long as that is the case we will follow all the rules and protocols."

"Shitty old pervert," Naruto muttered under his breath, only for one of the dogs to bite his leg, "OW!"

"Now then, let's see what we have here," Kakashi took the papers from his assistant and began reading them, "request for volunteers to help with setting up next week's farmer's market festival."

Pass, Naruto thought to himself.

"Missing cat."

Double pass.

"Need an extra pair of hands to move some equipment from one factory to another. Hey maybe you and your shadow clone technique could take care of that," Kakashi chuckled.

Oh god damnit Naruto groaned and faceplanted his head again, why can't I catch a break? All I want is a mission, ONE S-rank mission, that's all I ask for.

"Hold on...this might be something."

His head perked up, "what is it?"

"Request for a personal body guard for a high stakes diplomatic mission to the Hidden Cloud Village. High risk of confrontation and/or assassination attempt. Candidate must be S-Rank shinobi or higher—"

Calling forth a large amount of his chakra, Naruto released a massive burst of energy from his body, causing all of Kakashi's dogs to be thrown off and disappear in clouds of smoke. The burst of energy whipped up a gust of wind that engulfed the entire room, causing papers to fly around and forcing Shizune and Kakashi to shield their eyes from the dust flying everywhere. When they finally opened them, Naruto was leaning over the desk, his face practically bursting with excitement.

"I'll take it!"


"You're going to be my sister's bodyguard?" Hinata asked.

"For a week, yes," Naruto answered while taking off his clothes until he was wearing nothing but his boxers. It was night time, with Naruto only recently having come back after a long day of helping Iruka train his current genin class. Once home he found that his wife had already put their kids to sleep and was already under the covers herself reading a book. She was wearing the same pajamas she always did: a grey buttoned up jacket and pants set that covered everything except her hands, her feet, and her head.

"Apparently there is some sort of diplomatic mission in the Hidden Cloud Village that she needs to head, and it seems like there might be some concern about her safety. Must be a pretty big deal too, since the request said that only S-level shinobis should apply. So I did."

"Honey that sounds serious," Hinata put down her book and looked at him concerned, "are you sure you've thought this through?"

"Please, I've taken on S-level threats before; and I'm still here right?"

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