Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

With some talking and posting on Social Media, Erwin, and Levi joined Eren in his singing career. Forming a band. Hanji became the new Manager and Petra her helper.

There had been talk of doing a tour since Eren was so famous as Hunter, and when the Media found out he was in a band Called Freedom they had followed and their new album sold like crazy.

Eren had also met his family. Grisha, Carla and Zeke Jaeger. That had been quite a tale. Carla had broken into tears at the sight of her son. Grisha had been sad too, had understood Eren's plan and Zeke had punched him hard for killing him, the bruise had healed up with steam making everyone gasp, Eren said he'd regained the healing powers from his Founder Titan. That he was immortal and was crying as he held onto his mother saying he was sorry for not saving her.

The Jaeger family explained that Eren had only been 10, and that she understood he hadn't been able to save her.

Just as dinner was being served by Carla, Eren's phone rang.

Frowning at the number the man accepted, talking in fast Japanese and frowning more as the conversation went on.

"Tell Floch I'm on my way and expect some firm discipline." Eren sneered, eyes turning golden as he strode away and left a heavy feeling in the air.

Levi scrambled after his... his what lover? They had never really confirmed that they were together, though everything that they did suggested that they were. Sleeping together, being alone for hours on end, and the way Levi calmed Eren down if he had a nightmare... but despite all of that Eren never made a move to get them into bed and fucking or having sex.

"Eren?" Levi asked. "What's going on?"

Eren turned to Levi with a snarky expression on his face. "Captain Floch of the Jaegerist's decided to do something stupid." Eren said and quickly stripped his clothes off and Levi stared at that hard muscular body and did not drool.

Eren switched into dark black combat pants and a military-grade shirt with symbols of Commander and Levi watched in surprise as Eren fixed the straps on for the Manoeuvre Gear.

"Can I come?" Levi asked.

He saw Eren pause before he opened the locked closet and held out a uniform that would definitely fit.

Smirking slightly Levi stripped to and sighed as he felt Eren's warm hands on his body.

"When we get home again..." Eren murmured. "I want you to fuck me so hard, I've missed you Levi." Eren said and moaned as Levi gripped his hair and they kissed.

Feeling slight excitement at the fact that Eren had just suggested they have sex Levi pulled Eren onto his lap, cupping his ass and thrusting up and he saw Eren fling his head back groaning and pulling back with a soft whine.

"Not now Levi, fuck" Eren said and adjusted his pants. "I need to punish a subordinate."

Smirking, Levi put on his own leather straps from memory.

"Do you remember how to use them?" Eren asked. "I've done a few modifications, if you put that solar panel battery on it, it'll run off the battery, it also still runs off of gas, which is the cylinders. Same like all those years ago." Eren said and smirked.

"Captain, everyone knows of you, but they wont recognize you. I'm their commanding officer and umm yeah."

"Let's go... Commander," Levi smirked.

Blushing Eren leapt out the window and used his gear. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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