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                 THE LONGEST NIGHT

“Give me the defibrillator now! Set it to 100.” The doctor commanded, the nurse immediately did so before the doctor yelled, “Ready… Clear!” Before shocking Divyansh’s chest. His body lifted up slightly from the bed. The nurse watched the heart monitor for a moment. “Still no pulse sir.” The doctor got ready to shock Divyansh’s chest again. “Turn up the defibrillator to 200…”


As this was happening, Divyansh was back to reliving his memory of the love of his life, Meesha. “What were you and your brother, Atharav, talking about? I saw you were staring at me.” Meesha said, talking to Divyansh on the phone. “Nothing special, just talking about random things. Nothing to do with you or anything. How about you tell me why you were teasing me today.” Divyansh replied. Meesha glared at her phone, even though he couldn’t see her, as she replied. “I did not tease you! In fact, you are the one who has been teasing me. So, don’t blame me.”


Divyansh laughed a little. “Ooh my god, you are such a liar! You started first by pouring water on me.” Meesha huffed at him a bit “Which was dropped by mistake. I didn’t mean to drop it intentionally.” Divyansh rolled his eyes at her reply, knowing she was lying. “Well, you should know, my brother thought that something was going on between us.” Meesha was a bit surprised at this. “He thought something was going on between you and me? That's weird, why would he think that? Did you tell him that there was nothing going on?” 


Divyansh replied calmly. “Yes, I told him that nothing was happening between us. Let’s change the subject. Now, tell me, what are you doing now?” Clearly, he lied about what he said to his brother, but he would not admit it to Meesha. “Oh, nothing, just laying in my room, using instagram, while talking to you. What are you doing?” Meesha replied, relieved that Divyansh told his brother that nothing was going on between them. “Nothing really, just trying to write a short story.”


Meesha was pretty impressed, she didn’t know he was into writing. “Oh? That’s awesome! I hope I’m not disturbing you. Go ahead and finish your work, we can talk later.” Divyansh quickly replied before she could hang up. “No, no, I have it already written. Will you listen as I read it? I would like to know your thoughts on it.” Meesha was a little surprised that he had asked her to listen to his story. “Sure, go ahead and read it to me.” Meesha said calmly. “Okay, but for this to work, you have to close your eyes and imagine what I say. Okay?” Meesha hummed. “Fine, I closed my eyes. Now start.” Meesha said as she closed her eyes.


Divyansh began to read his story to her. “This story starts somewhere far away from the big cities and across the seven seas. A small village where a family lived who were well respected. There was a boy who was the youngest son in the family. He was different from the rest of his family, day and night he was lost in a different world. His family was well educated and had jobs that were really high position. But, the youngest boy was a free bird, who loved to dance and had a wild imagination. But, there was a girl who had been visiting his house since they were young children. She had big eyes like pearls, lips like rose petals, her face was like the moon, and her color was like the first ray of sunshine. She had beauty as if all nature was contained in it. Her voice was like a bird singing, her hair was as black as the night, and long like the longest night of the year. That young boy was very flirtatious towards her. The girl knew everything about him, and she knew all the love that the boy had. When his family thought he was just a boy with his head in the clouds, she saw more in him. The two were best friends. They would tell everything to each other. She has a beautiful voice that the village people loved to listen to, while the boy would dance to her voice. That young boy had started to fall in love with the young girl that he has known since childhood. When he started realizing this, he became scared. He thought that he was not right for the girl. He started thinking that she deserves someone better than him.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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