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Hello! Welcome to the very first chapter of this book/story. In all chapters I will be discussing the dynamic/chemistry, character interactions, the fandom/fans, and lastly how it is viewed. I will be referring to the ship as Saioma.

Dynamic/Chemistry: Okay, let's get straight to the point, their dynamic and chemistry is really misunderstood. A lot of people have many opinions on it. For me, I see it as crazy evil leader and very intelligent detective. Others' may say something different. For their chemistry I'd say it's pretty good, not too chaotic and not too toxic. They have a unique way of showing their feelings, mostly in very complicated riddles that people over-analyze. 

Character Interactions: I'd say the love hotel scene was a critical scene for saioma or even the knife game. In the knife game, Kokichi asks Shuichi if he wants to play a game, Kokichi then goes on to play with a knife and accidentally cuts his hand. Shuichi rushed to aid and helped Kokichi with his wound. I found this a very cute character interaction. For the love hotel scene, it wasn't like the other characters'. . .erm, if you know what I mean.

The Fandom/Fans: Okay, so this one is a bit tricky. I love to get to know fellow Saioma fans, mostly because we end up having a lot in common. But, there are a lot of toxic shippers and really immature shippers or people in general out there, and this goes for every ship. What I do want to say is that I personally view Saioma fans as misunderstood or immediately labeled as toxic just because they ship Saioma. I see a lot of shippers get attacked by other people because of the weird side of the fandom. What you ship or what you like doesn't define you as a person. They represent or are your interests. Yet, there could also be the alternative, Saioma shippers (not all) could be very toxic. So the fandom is a fifty fifty.

How is it viewed?: This ship can be viewed as overrated or toxic, very common and hurtful phrases used towards the ship are not that hard to find. Although, you can find a few people who appreciate the ship as well, so, as long as those people exist you have some people to interact with. Some people view it as wholesome as well, it is very rare to run into those people, especially if they don't ship it either.

Overall, I love this ship, it is my otp, I'm not a huge fan of the weird side of the ship's fandom but hey, every ship has it. The ship's dynamic and chemistry is very cute and unique in my opinion. I'm also a huge fan of their character interactions, so yeah!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this book/story of my analysis of these ships/ship. As always, have a nice day/afternoon/night! 💜💙

Word count: 466

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