Chapter 21: Gryffindor Manor

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Harry moved around the room very quietly as he made a pot of tea, not wanting to wake Hermione so early in the morning. He decided he would go for a walk, so with a mug of tea in hand he left their quarters then Gryffindor tower heading for the main entrance, he intended to take a walk down by the lake.

The scene that greeted him as he left the castle was one of early morning beauty, a low mist rolled gently off the lake into the surrounding valley, a bright red and gold sunrise lit the mountain scenery casting long dark shadows and brilliant swathes of orange and gold tinted light that spread the suns warming fingers slowly across the castle lawns.

Harry reached his favourite spot down by the lake and sat down on a fallen tree trunk the cool mist swirled about his feet, while the rays of the sun warmed his back. He wondered what it had been that had wakened him, he knew he had dreamt of some thing but just could not recall what it had been. Shuffling around so that he could lift his feet out of the cool mist he felt something hard in his pocket dig into him, feeling in his pocket he found the golden key he had removed from his vault at Gringotts. He sat examining the key for a while twisting it between his fingers, reading the inscription along its length he wondered aloud where Gryffindor Manor could be, with a yawn he asked the question aloud as though asking the ducks swimming nearby.

"How do I find Gryffindor manor, if I don't know where to look for it?"

As the words left his mouth Harry saw the mist a hundred metres to his right begin to swirl and thin then from out of the mist a huge building, a cross between a small castle and a roman like villa began to appear. Curious Harry stared at the building that had appeared, smoke rose from some of the many chimneys slowly drifting upward in the still morning air. It took him just a few minutes to walk to the great door of the ancient building, it did not take a great inspiration for him to realise that it was Gryffindor Manor. Slowly he placed the golden key into the lock of the door, the stiff lock slowly turned then with a click the door opened.

Harry entered the manor and found himself walking into a piece of history, the manor was exactly how it had been when Godric himself lived there a thousand years ago, a huge mosaic floor in the entrance lay before him. Harry had seen pictures of the ancient roman villas but those pictures did not do justice to the sight that lay before him. Huge painted murals and thick tapestries adorned the walls around him; he turned slowly taking in the grandeur of the entrance hall, in front of him a wide staircase almost the size of the one in Hogwarts led to the upper floors. He was surprised by how warm it was, and as he looked around he realised that the place was spotless, there was no dust, not a single cobweb to be seen. Standing in the middle of the mosaic floor of the entrance hall Harry suddenly realised he was not alone; he had been joined by a house elf.

"Er, hello," Harry said as he looked down on two bright light brown eyes.

"Welcome home Master," the elf said sounding awed and happy at the same time.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter," Harry declared a little quickly.

"Welcome home master Gryffindor, would the master like some breakfast?" the little elf asked as he followed Harry into the main hall.

Harry's breath caught as he looked at the main hall, in the centre of the great mosaic floor stood a huge round table, surrounded by large comfortable chairs, 'King Arthur and the round table' he thought as he stared at the scene before him.

"Master… master…" the little elf said trying to get Harry's attention.

Harry suddenly shook his head "Sorry, no, no breakfast, what is your name?"

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