Chapter 15: Holidays

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Harry and Hermione had been having a brilliant holiday with the Grangers; they had both been sleeping in Hermione's old bedroom for the first two weeks. As a family they had all been on a huge shopping spree, and Harry had been on his first visit to a cinema, had his first ice cream with strawberies and several other firsts in this life, and for the two weeks the Grangers had given Harry more fun, enjoyment, and love than he had ever known with the Dursleys.

Mr Granger had even bought a new bed for them; it was during their second week of the holiday that Hermione discovered Mrs Weasley had written a very long letter to her parents telling them of what had happened when the couple had to sleep in different rooms. She had even sent them a copy of the page that told how it could actually cause harm if they were separated; though Hermione was convinced her parents must have known about the effects of soul-mates being kept apart as they had been through it themselves and they had had to sleep in different houses suffering the seperation until the following morning.

Then for their third week they had enjoyed a week at the seaside, for three days Mr Granger had been trying to teach Harry how to play golf, much to the delight of both Hermione and her mum who had been left rolling around the greens in fits of laughter several times by Harry's mistakes and accidents. At least three times he had let his club fly out of his hands having missed the ball completely, he had dug several holes into the fairway along the way including one fairly large hole in the middle of a sand bunker, he had also fallen over several times as he swung the club a little to enthusiastically.

Harry huffed "Well I have tomorrow left to get a hole in one," as they entered their hotel after another disastrous episode with his golf club, he had had to do a quick repair spell on someone's car when his club had sailed right through the rear window.

"I thought we might spend tomorrow safely on the beach," Mrs Granger said grinning at Harry as he pulled a funny face.

'I've never been on a beach, in fact I have never seen the sea close up until this week' he told Hermione as they reached the door to their room.

Mrs Granger gave Harry a quick kiss on his cheek "Meet you two down stairs for dinner in about an hour Ok," she said as she followed Mr Granger into the room next door.

Walking into their room, Hermione flopped onto the bed 'I'm rather looking forward to spending sometime on the beach; it'll give me a chance to wear my bathing costume at last'.

'Is that the red bikini you tried on at home?' Harry asked frowning.

"Good grief no," Hermione gasped "I'm not wearing that on the beach, that's for your eyes only, after all it reveals far too much."

"That's what I was thinking," Harry said with a chuckle "how anyone could call that tiny triangle of cloth a belt and a piece of string a bathing costume is beyond me, it's nice to know that if you do wear it, it's just for me though."

Hermione lifted her head from the bed "Harry Potter if I didn't know better I would say you don't want me wearing a bathing costume on the beach," she said smiling.

"Yes well, all those people staring at you, I mean you are getting to be rather sexy to look at, what with your things growing and all," Harry said going a little red.

"Harry love I'm only twelve…"

"Nearly thirteen," Harry interrupted her.

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