Chaper 12

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After walking through a dark, green lit tunnel for a while, you stumble back into the entrance. At least you now know where you are. You see Elizabeth heading up one of the staircases. You walk up to her and she says she is headed to the daycare and points to a big door labeled with a fun looking font "Sunshine Daycare Pickup" she goes in, but you deside to go across a little walkway to "Glamrock Gifts". Once inside you decide to go to the lower level because there isn't much there. You see a sign labeled "free gift" with a ton of arrows pointing at a puppet's music box from fnaf 2 looking thing, but much smaller. You deside "screw it, even if it's a jumpscare, it could be somthing good" and wind up the crank on the side. A few seconds of winding and POP! The top shot off with confetti and obvious springs. Inside is somthing small. You grab it and pull it out... its purple... it's a Mr hippo magnet. Kinda disappointed, you head for the elevators you saw on the second floor. Your dad... no matter how hard you try it feels weird to call William your dad, gave everyone a party pass... not that you know how to use it. He told you you can now get into Monty golf or Fazer blast. Now here is the real decision. Golf, or lazer tag. Nah it's not much of a decision. The only real answer is Fazer blast. Michael sprints past you towards Fazer blast so, because you were going there anyway, you join up with him. After using your party pass (Michael helped, even though you just needed to hand it to the bot), you go in. Fazer blast looks awsome! It's so futuristic it takes your breath away. Under your breath, you mutter "how is this part of a fnaf game?" Michael asks "hey, what team u picking? Green or blue?" You think this question over for a second, trying to figure out if the colors mean anything. Deciding that they represent Monty and Freddy, you respond with "blue" and grab the appropriate gear. After you and Michael beat Fazerblast, which was difficult for you but easy for Mike, someone grabs your shoulder with a cold metal hand

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