The end of the Ichiro Brothers

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It had been 20 minutes since the game started. The three men were all equally nervous as time passed. And you were no stranger to this feeling too. Of course, since you have been claimed by the enemy. If neither one of them win, you would fall into his hands.

The third and last round had started but Josuke has yet to pick a number higher than the previous digits he'd picked since the 2nd round. It made you feel uneasy but along the way josuke made sure to tell you that everything will be alright. A smile would form on your lips ever so often. Even in the most dangerous and nerve-racking situations he still finds a way to calm you down. You've never met a person as calm and as sure as he is and frankly, you've grown quite fond of the fellow since you were the opposite. You couldn't control your own emotions, your thoughts are a mess and in situations like this your emotions are quite quick to burst out like fireworks exploding every new year's eve.

"Alright boys, place the pingpong balls on the table and let's tally the numbers" He stated, smirking devilishly at the two young men.

Okuyasu and Josuke both furrowed their eyebrows in response. While you, sat their as your fairies roamed around the table, looking for any suspicious activity that likely happened since the game started. And so far, you have found nothing alarming. Although you did catch Josuke cheating in the first round. Which you obviously ignored. There was no time for being a saint right now, especially when you're on your death bed.

"My total is 291" he said proudly. As if fate already decided on a winner. Which he thought was himself.

The rotation has now landed on Okuyasu "My total is 170"He said as he looked at Jouske. Signaling to do the same.

"Whatever trickery you use on me. It is of no use. For I Minamoto Icihiro, will win this game with flying colors!" He began to feel a bit more cocky as he declared his statement. Humming and smiling as he felt like it. He began to drop his hand into the jar that had only a few dozen balls left to spare. As he reached to grab a pingpong ball Josuke unleashed his stand, grabbing the mans hand. He flung it into the air and swiftly smashed it. Blood started to seep out from his arm, His hand felt numb and a bone protrude due to the impact. He weeped in pain, holding his arm with his right hand, and looked at Josuke with and intense expression of anger, his face was red and a vein can be visibly seen on his forehead.

"You measly brat!! ugh- How dare you scathed me!! This is unacceptable!! YOU WILL BE PUNISHED" He hissed. Trying to cover up the pain. But obviously it wasn't working.

"Shut it gramps. Cocky bastards like you deserve it" He replied with a chilling tone in which you shivered in shock from the sidelines. You have forgotten that josuke had that unforgiving and rugged side of him from all the kind gestures he's reciprocated from the past.

You went to look at his stand that was behind Josuke. Even with his fist closed you saw that he had been holding something. Something of the color white. Then it hit you. Looks like Josuke already had a plan even before all of this started.

"I want you to fix my hand this instant-"

"Oh? Now how would I do that?" Josuke Quickly cut him off

"With your stand-" Before he realized what he had said, Josuke smirked. Minamoto instantly regretted what he had said. Leaking information like that was unforgivable he thought.

He grit his teeth in frustration and disappointment. Never in his three decades of living had he thought of encountering a foe that would not only outsmart him bit degrade him of his status. He only ever thought of himself as a high-classed gentleman up until he met the guy standing, looking down in front of him.

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