The transferee part 2

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"Are you sure you saw what you saw Okuyasu?" A tall male student, combed his, what most people would say if they saw it for the first time, bizarre hair as he walked with his friend to school.

While his friend, Okuyasu. Had been trying to explain to his friend for the past 30 minutes about what he saw at the bust stop a few moments ago.

"I told you! I saw what I saw. There was a girl, A CUTE ONE, and a man who had these crystal, vine-like plants squeezing his bloody hand Josuke!" He tried to convince his friend who goes by the name Josuke. But it ended in complete failure.

Josuke sighed in disbelief. But he decided to believe in him despite being skeptical. Even if he did sound a bit crazy, he knew that Okuyasu wouldn't just blurt out stuff like this. There is a chance that it might be 100% true. Therefore, he wanted to see for himself.

"Look! I'ts her! That's the cute girl I was talking about, Josuke! The girl with the (h/c) hair!" Okuyasu pointed at a girl, one from the opposite direction. To Josuke, she looked like any other normal looking girl. He saw that she was quite busy admiring the view of the morning sky rather than focusing on where she was going.

"She's gonna bump into someone soon if she doesn't pay attention to where she's walking." Is what Josuke was thinking while observing her and soon enough, she did. She bumped into another student. With a lanky build and hunched back. She immediately bowed down in front of him as a sign of an apology. He turned his head towards her direction and raised a hand as a sign of accepting it.

Through that small interaction, Josuke noticed something strange about the guy.

"Yo, Josuke. You've been staring at that girl for a while now. She you're type or something?" Okuyasu looked at Josuke with a raised eyebrow, signaling that he was jealous.

"What are you talking about?!" Josuke widened his eyes at ubelievable Okuyasu was. "You've got it all wrong! I was looking at that guy over there who was in front of her a few seconds ago."

Okuyasu hummed. "what about him? He looks ordinary to me... well, besides looking like he got out of his mothers womb horizontally." He chuckled and continued the walk to school, leaving Josuke behind. Who was thinking for a moment before deciding to drop the thinking altogether.

"Maybe Im just overthinking things." He followed Okuyasu, leading the both of them to the entrance of the school.

The both of them have arrived at campus and were jogging their way to the stadium. "Dude hurry were going to be late for the assembly!"

"I'm right behind you!"


The assembly has finished. Josuke wanted to go to his classroom as soon as possible to take a seat and rest. So he started to speed walk his way through the halls. The plan was working pretty smoothly at first. But then, that same lanky man from before appeared, Josuke didn't see him in time and this resulted in both of them crashing into each other.

"Oh, my bad dude! No hard feelings." He dashed away. Taking the situation lightly and leaving the man behind.

He finally made it to his classroom and quickly sat on his seat. Today, he thought that the room was a bit noisy. Numerous students, mostly the males, were gossiping about the new students who were attending and transferring to the school.

"I heard that there's this cute girl with short pink hair next to our class. Looks like she'll be an easy target, she's looks pretty easy to catch Fwefwefwe" he laughed.

"Oh, and the other girl? The girl that came from the UK. She's obviously going to be bad at Japanese. Wanna bribe her into doing shit for us?" The idea he suggested was so dumb that it made Josuke sigh in disbelief. Nonetheless, his other scumbag friends laughed and agreed to his plan.

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