And They Were Roommates?

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The next morning Todoroki and Bakugou met up in the common room at the coffee table, Bakugou with a protein shake and Todoroki with a large mug of coffee because he was not a morning person. With Todoroki's laptop and a notepad they began apartment hunting. By the time the rest of their classmates started appearing in the kitchen they had already settled on an area of the city, now it was just finding a place that suited them.

"We only need two rooms Icyhot."

"No, we need three. What if we have guests over?"

"Us? Have guests? Willingly?" Bakugou raised a brow, knowing they were both definitely not extroverted enough to do that.

"True..." Todoroki mused before he sighed. "But still, if our friends want to come over you know there's nothing we can do to stop them."

"They're idiots."

"Persistent idiots."

Bakugou couldn't deny it, and so they began looking at 3-bedroom apartments. He himself wanted a fully-kitted out kitchen for him to cook all of the best meals, and Todoroki wanted a large balcony. Both had originally thought that they would have trouble looking for a place together since they were such different people and agreed to rent together on a whim, but they had similar ideas about what they wanted and within three hours they had booked appointments at three places that weekend.

"Now can we start shopping?" asked Todoroki, excitement in his tone.

"We need an actual list first, Icyhot."

After dinner they made a list, several pages long, of things they needed or wanted, debating with each other what was a necessity and what was a luxury. Luckily money wasn't really an issue with Bakugou's parents and Todoroki's card, so they could afford to splurge on high-tech cooking equipment and a giant TV because Todoroki had recently been invested in nature documentaries, particularly those about wild cats.

When everything was settled, the exhaustion of the day had caught up to them. And since the next few weeks were full of final exams and preparing for graduation, all ideas about apartments were brushed from their minds after the viewings...

Graduation came and went, a teary affair where everyone was promising to visit each other and swearing to meet up over the break before they started their jobs. It was nostalgic in a way for Todoroki when he was packing up his dorm, feeling like he was leaving the place he had truly found a home in. But there was excitement too, at being fully independent and having a place to call his own. Well, his and Bakuguo's.

Bakugou wondered what it would be like rooming with Todoroki. They had gotten closer over their three years at UA and he could begrudgingly say they were friends. After Todoroki had pushed him out of the way at the end of their second year during an attack on a class field trip, he had felt like he had owed him something, similar to when he helped rescue him at Kamino. But Todoroki told him he did it because he wanted to and because it was right, and since then he had felt a kind of protectiveness towards the younger. This peaked when in 3rd year Todoroki was attacked by a group of villains with a vendetta against his father; he had fought them off and contained them but ended up unconscious for five days, having experienced bad injuries and mental torment. He was okay and returned to class a week after the incident, but he always kept an eye on him to be sure.

They had their routines when they were together, a comfortable companionship that didn't require constant talking and attention. They trained together instead of fighting each other, and practical classes became about competition in order to better themselves rather than competition out of hatred.

Bakugou had also learned Todoroki wasn't as half-assed as he had thought after the Sports Festival in 1st year. He had thought that Icyhot hadn't seen him as worthy enough to use his fire, that he wasn't as strong as Deku, but when he heard Todoroki have a breakdown one night after receiving a call from the hospital he felt regret at how he had tormented the boy for weeks. Rei Todoroki had watched a video recording of their fight, and had to be taken to an emergency ward when she saw Todoroki's fire. And, just like during the Festival, he overheard Deku trying to calm Todoroki down, who he had never seen look so guilty and remorseful.

Shoto Todoroki OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora