Chapter Twenty-Two

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The engagement remained a secret. They didn't tell anyone, not even Adella - apart from Agustín and Félix, which in turn meant that their families found out, which meant that all of Encanto got wind of it in the end.

It had been unusual for Bruno to suddenly have everyone congratulating him and pestering them with questions about the upcoming wedding. When he told them that there would probably be no wedding in the next few years, their reaction was no longer calm, but much more shocked. They didn't understand why the union of two lovers should be postponed into the future - but then they remembered Bruno's gift and came to the conclusion that it must have something to do with a vision.

Bruno and Lucia left it at that.

It was easier that way.

But the one who didn't leave it at that was Adella. This woman was steadfast and fancied herself because after all, it had been her idea from the beginning.

So there was no way Lucia and Bruno could avoid Adella even more than they already did. But as was always the case, one day she caught them anyway: "Oh, Bruno! Lucia! Wait a minute!"

"If we don't move, I'm sure she won't see us," Lucia whispered to Bruno and stopped.

"Don't you think we should run away rather?"

"That will only frighten her and she will panic. We have to keep her calm"

"You're crazy"

"I just have a big imagination" Lucia retorted.

Just then Adella reached her; Lucia's plan hadn't worked. "Finally, I've been wanting to talk to you for days. But it seemed like you were avoiding me."

"What?" said Lucia. "We? Avoiding you? After all, you've done for us? What makes you think that?"

Adella's sarcasm escaped her. "We need to talk about everything, regarding the wedding. It's going to be traditional, bad enough you proposed, Lucia," Lucia rolled her eyes. "You'll be wearing your mother's wedding dress and being walked down the aisle by your father. Bruno, I still need to discuss with your mother what you will wear ... your green clothes are out of the question anyway-"

"Adella," Bruno interrupted her, "there will be no wedding."

"What?" she looked at him, startled. "Don't tell me you've broken off the engagement?"

"No, we haven't. But we're not ready yet," Bruno explained to her. "Maybe in five years or so. And then it probably won't be a traditional wedding either. Look at Lucia, can you imagine her in a white wedding dress? I don't. I rather see her in something unusual, like purple or yellow. And no traditions will be followed because Lucia hates traditions - yeah, maybe she'll marry me in a suit while I wear a dress!", Bruno shrugged. "We have no idea, Adella."

Lucia looked at Bruno with wide eyes. "I've never loved you more"

"Not a traditional wedding?" repeated Adella, stunned. "In five years? Have you lost your mind?"

"Maybe" Lucia agreed. "But really, you don't have to care ... after all, you are neither the bride nor the groom."

"I think I'm going to faint ..."

"We'll have to be off then," Bruno grabbed Lucia's hand and pulled her away.

"That was interesting," he commented after a while.

"Adella has cut me out of her will," Lucia squeezed his hand. "Today is the day"

"What day?", Bruno looked at her frowning.

"I sent my application off today," she announced, "I'm sure it will arrive in a week and in a fortnight we'll know if I've been accepted."

"Hey!", Bruno looked at her, beaming. "That's wonderful," he kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sure they'll take you. You're a natural!", he didn't want her to get accepted. But he wanted her to be happy.

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