Chapter Five

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"But we need to have an honest talk about your room," Lucia said as they stood outside Bruno's door. She had found the descent of the stairs much easier than the ascent, except for the fact that Bruno had to walk on the side of the precipice while she was holding on to the wall for extra support.


"You can't live in there, can you? It takes you forever to get up there every time. That can't be true."

Bruno shrugged his shoulders. "I know. That's why I don't live up there. I only go up there when I have a vision. Otherwise, I sleep somewhere else."


"In the nursery. Come on," but before Bruno went ahead, he knocked on the wooden door. "Knock on wood. Knock on wood.", Lucia didn't question it.

When Bruno opened the door to the nursery, Lucia didn't believe him. "You live here?" she asked, crossing her arms. "In a room which you call a nursery?"

"Yes," Bruno shrugged. "You've seen my room behind the door, after all. It's not exactly practical. That's actually why I moved here right away."

"Why do you call it the nursery?"

"Because I lived here with my sisters before we got our gifts and therefore our doors. Until we were five, that is."

Lucia entered and sat down on Bruno's bed. "I'm assuming your sisters and you would stay here if you ever got married, right?", Bruno nodded and closed the door behind him. "That means your kids would sleep in here too until they turn five, or are there other nurseries?"

"Uh, nope," Bruno said after a moment's thought. "No. This is the only room. They would live here then, right."

"That means you'd have to share a room with your nephews and nieces then - and your wife and kids ..."

"I never thought about that before," Bruno said slowly. "I mean, I doubt I'll ever get married, but I guess the nephews and nieces thing is true, yeah."

"Bruno, you can't," Lucia stood up again. "The room is nice and cosy, but you need your privacy. Right now it seems fine, but think in five years or so, you'll have to share the room with a baby. You can't do that," she looked at him seriously. "You won't survive, believe me. I have a younger sister I had to share a room with too."

"But I won't have any other choice, Lucia," Bruno said gently. "Because I won't be able to live in my actual room," but Lucia didn't give up. "There must be another room where you can sleep. Even if it's just a broom closet."

"Believe me, I've already looked."

Lucia didn't answer but looked around thoughtfully. "Have you asked Casita, too?"


"Your house. Your Casita. I'm sure she'll know if there's a spare room here," she cleared her throat. "Um, Casita? Do you happen to know of a room around here somewhere where Bruno could live?"

The shutters swung open and closed and the tiles moved toward the door. Bruno opened it and they led out into the hallway. Bruno and Lucia followed Casita's footsteps while Lucia whispered excitedly, "I talked to a house and it answered. Best day ever!", Bruno rolled his eyes with a smile.

With their heads bowed, they followed the tiles as they moved straight ahead faster and faster. "I didn't think there would be a free room left," Bruno admitted. "You should have asked Casita sooner," Lucia grinned at him in victory. "But let's be honest... You've lived in this magical house for twenty years and never once thought that you might just ask it for a room? Weak performance, Bruno," she laughed and bumped his shoulder.

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