Meeting Mikaela

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~Hello so this is my first crossover from two different animes and this one anyway Meliana you all met her in my other stories or know her as Eliana or similar in my stories well she's my favorite OC I have I'll make a permanent face for her soon for both anime and non anime any way lets start~


At Hyakuya Orphanage

Meliana POV:
Krul a girl I appointed as Queen after father saved her from being beaten at the age 14. Father allows me to appoint people to a title when he was vampire and not a demon she also became the 3rd progenitor along with my second favorite 14 year old Lest Kurr. Krul took me to the orphanage where they are experimenting on humans to make them into Seraphs, and they wonder why we say humans are evil. rolls eyes Stupid humans when we got into Hyakuya Orphanage I saw a blonde boy with beautiful icy blue eyes that look like Diamonds talking to a raven with green eyes that reminds me of Emeralds. When I walked over to them they stopped talking so I decided to introduce myself "Hello I'm Meliana Madou will you be my friend." I said more to the blonde then raven but the offer was open for him too if he wanted it the blonde hold out his hand for me to shake and introduced himself "Hello Meliana I'm Mikaela but most call me Mika." When he said his named I smiled big and thought "I'll finally have my brother back" I shook his hand and pulled him into a hug then the raven introduced himself as "Hello I'm Yuichiro but most call me Yu/Yuu." He said I smiled and thought "will he be a friend or enemy and if enemy how will Mikaela see him I need Mikaela to complete the ideal family I wanted Father Mother Michela Mikaela and me Meliana." Normally I wouldn't care but when I saw Mikaela it brought back that my second older brother was still born we were going be triplets the powerful trio but at the age of six father put Michela to sleep on our birthday we were just turning six and since we didn't have each other we couldn't age until we were together again then I met Mikaela and I started aging with him I knew that Michela was along aging too I soon found out Mikaela was born the same day me and my brothers were born and the time was the time as Meliorn that made me happy The Terror Duo would be come The Terror Trio. I was so happy that I forgot about the apocalypse until the day it was announced and we were taken to Sangneium my home.

~Next Chapter will start in Episode 1~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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